youtube-dl extracting mp3 keep system on overnight


Hi All,

I've been using youtube-dl every now and then and this time round I wanted to extract the mp3 from a clip which was errrr... 10 hours long(!). I'm aware that converting anything on the humax takes a long time but I thought I'd just let it do it. However this conversion by my calculations will take 3.5 days non stop. The problem I've experienced is that my humax is set to turn itself on / off around the OTA update time to prevent it from happening. I was aware that if you turn the humax on by hand (instead of the remote, you turn it on by pressing the blue ring/button om the front) then that tends to keep it on irrespective or the recording schedule. However it didn't work and the system turned off. Turning it back on this morning, I checked the mp3 and it's not complete nor is it being recreated or updated.

Is there a way that the humax / youtube-dl can carry on where it left off converting / extracting the mp3 file... or... is there a way that if ffmpeg is busy, the humax remains on until it's finished what it's doing? The log in youtube-dl by the way only records download progress or errors. Once extraction starts is there a log that shows the progress?

Thanks in advance

The problem I've experienced is that my humax is set to turn itself on / off around the OTA update time to prevent it from happening.
The standard OTA defeat (which isn't strictly necessary any more) is to have a reminder in the schedule so the 'Fox regards itself as too busy with something that takes priority over an OTA. This has no effect on CF processing. All you need to do is remove any timer on-offs: Menu >> Settings >> Preferences >> Time >> Power On Timer | Power Off Timer, and any auto-power-off: Menu >> Settings >> System >> Power Management >> Automatic Power Down = Off, and just leave your box turned on for the duration.

Note that you need to check you have not configured boot-settings to reimpose these: WebIF >> Settings >> Settings for boot-settings package.

However: for a long job like that, it is worth transferring it to PC (ffmpeg is available for most platforms) where it will process in a matter of minutes (and avoid the 'Fox hanging up mid-process).
All good advice.

The ffmpeg program used for conversion doesn't have a restart option. If it were desired to make MP3 extraction restartable, conceptually the conversion could be carried out in chunks of known duration, by a conversion script that knows not to regenerate any completed chunks, with the output chunks being concatenated once they've all been processed. All in all, much easier to leave the box on!
Thanks for the replies,

I'll check out my schedule to see what's turning it on/off. As for a log - is it possible to see the ffmpeg log? Perhaps there is an option when setting up the extraction? I guess ffmpeg is used for other processes too?