Never mind sorted it 

Does that not depend which router is in use? For example, mine allocates 60+ by DHCP
As promised I've (eventually) got round to releasing the script discussed here as a package. Hopefully does what it says on the tin which is:
"Automatic mounting of remote nfs or smb directories, with configuration on the box, using special "settings" directorys to add and configure shares. Remote host(s) are "pinged" regularly, and shares are mounting / unmounting automatically with host availability."
Once installed you should get a directory called "[Modsettings]" on the drive root (HD) or in "My Videos" (HDR), and within that, you should find folders for smb and nfs share setups, with some hopefully self explainable instructions. Once you create a new share directory, within a few seconds it should be auto populated with template settings within.
Future enhancements will hopefully be easier configuration from webif (though as it is configured using folder names, these can be set up either on the box or in the webif media browser). I'd also like to add a Wake-up-on LAN trigger so remote hosts can be woken up from the box.
Beginners guide:
Folders on a computer or NAS box can be shared with other devices on the same network. On the humax box with custom firmware we can add support for two protocols - smb (used by Windows, pre-Lion OsX, linux running Samba), and nfs (Linux, OsX, common with NAS boxes). smb support is provided by the cifs package. We can "mount" the remote shared folder(s) so they appear as if they were part of the local file system on the Humax.
The advantages to this, over using DLNA are:
More formats supported.
rw/FF/seek supported.
Resume point saved.
No need to run / configure DLNA server software on the host.
Remote files can be deleted, moved, renamed from using the remote control.
Recordings can be copied between the box and host using the remote, with decryption on the fly occuring on the HDR (or HD running HDRmode).
No 4gig limit.
The downsides that this package attempts to address are:
Fiddly to set up, requiring running "mount" commands at the telnet prompt, and /or setting up startup scripts to mount the shared folder.
If using startup script, need to reboot the humax if the remote host wasn't switched on at boot time.
If the remote host is switched off / goes to sleep, the humax cam become unresponsive.
This packages uses directory names in the "[Modsettings]/smb" and/or "[Modsettings]/nfs" folders to configure as many shares as you like. For example to set up a new smb share, use the opt+ button to create a new directory within the smb folder. Name it what you want the mount to be called (eg "MyPc") Wait about 10 seconds, and navigate into the new folder. The script should have created a load of template "configuration directories" for you to rename (host IP address, foldername, user, password etc). Note that the "_" symbol is used instead of "." in IP names and "/" in folder names as these can't be input (or if they can I think the box changes them to a "_")
Once configured, the script will regularly ping the host computer to see if it is available. If it is then the shared folder will be mounted and should be browsable. If the host goes offline, the folder will be unmounted, preventing the box from locking up.
*WARNING* Deleting share folder(s) will recursively delete the contents on the remote host. If you want to avoid this risk, make sure the share is set up to be read only!