• The forum software that supports hummy.tv has been upgraded to XenForo 2.3!

    Please bear with us as we continue to tweak things, and feel free to post any questions, issues or suggestions in the upgrade thread.

New firmware Version 1.03.12 for HDR-FOX T2

Said in a hushed voice. It is very good and credit to all those including af123 and those people that field questions.

I'm hoping that when a suitable new box comes out that has all the useful function and is a good box for customisation we might all move over to it together :). The other thing that could happen is that one goes our separate ways as boxes become unrepairable.

Isn't the software written in Korea apart from what they buy in ?. Or do they have their own local team. I seem to recall this is why they have a problem testing.
I'm hoping that when a suitable new box comes out that has all the useful function and is a good box for customisation we might all move over to it together.
Will there be another box that is customisable or will the digital rights owners insist that the boxes are locked down to make customisation much more difficult?
Isn't the software written in Korea apart from what they buy in ?
I think the software for Humax machines world wide is developed in South Korea.
I keep getting a weird dialogue box pop up on this thread. It asks me where to save the following file 'XDTeDH1oGJY&fs=1.swf'. I am using Dolphin browser with Android KitKat.

There is Flash on the forum:

  1. Code:
    <object id="SWFUpload_0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://hummy.tv/forum/js/swfupload/Flash/swfupload.swf" width="1" height="1" class="swfupload" style="display: none !important;"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="movie" value="http://hummy.tv/forum/js/swfupload/Flash/swfupload.swf"><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="menu" value="false"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><param name="flashvars" value="movieName=SWFUpload_0&amp;uploadURL=http%3A%2F%2Fhummy.tv%2Fforum%2Fattachments%2Fdo-upload.json%3Fhash%3D71f5bd2f5d28475620a003493b73c4fc%26content_type%3Dpost&amp;useQueryString=false&amp;requeueOnError=false&amp;httpSuccess=&amp;assumeSuccessTimeout=0&amp;params=_xfToken%3D473%252C1393368398%252Ca57886ea81bd5956ee07e76f45c30f803790144f%26amp%3B_xfNoRedirect%3D1%26amp%3B_xfResponseType%3Djson&amp;filePostName=upload&amp;fileTypes=*.zip%3B*.txt%3B*.pdf%3B*.png%3B*.jpg%3B*.jpeg%3B*.jpe%3B*.gif%3B*.hmt%3B*.ZIP%3B*.TXT%3B*.PDF%3B*.PNG%3B*.JPG%3B*.JPEG%3B*.JPE%3B*.GIF%3B*.HMT&amp;fileTypesDescription=All%20Files&amp;fileSizeLimit=0&amp;fileUploadLimit=0&amp;fileQueueLimit=0&amp;debugEnabled=false&amp;buttonImageURL=&amp;buttonWidth=1&amp;buttonHeight=1&amp;buttonText=&amp;buttonTextTopPadding=0&amp;buttonTextLeftPadding=0&amp;buttonTextStyle=color%3A%20%23000000%3B%20font-size%3A%2016pt%3B&amp;buttonAction=-110&amp;buttonDisabled=false&amp;buttonCursor=-2"></object>
It's just below the input box at the bottom of the page, left aligned with the box.
Thanks Chris. Are they not like the red button ones but without the red button so they don't overlay on the picture.... hmmm
There is Flash on the forum:

  1. Code:
    <object id="SWFUpload_0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://hummy.tv/forum/js/swfupload/Flash/swfupload.swf" width="1" height="1" class="swfupload" style="display: none !important;"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="movie" value="http://hummy.tv/forum/js/swfupload/Flash/swfupload.swf"><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="menu" value="false"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><param name="flashvars" value="movieName=SWFUpload_0&amp;uploadURL=http%3A%2F%2Fhummy.tv%2Fforum%2Fattachments%2Fdo-upload.json%3Fhash%3D71f5bd2f5d28475620a003493b73c4fc%26content_type%3Dpost&amp;useQueryString=false&amp;requeueOnError=false&amp;httpSuccess=&amp;assumeSuccessTimeout=0&amp;params=_xfToken%3D473%252C1393368398%252Ca57886ea81bd5956ee07e76f45c30f803790144f%26amp%3B_xfNoRedirect%3D1%26amp%3B_xfResponseType%3Djson&amp;filePostName=upload&amp;fileTypes=*.zip%3B*.txt%3B*.pdf%3B*.png%3B*.jpg%3B*.jpeg%3B*.jpe%3B*.gif%3B*.hmt%3B*.ZIP%3B*.TXT%3B*.PDF%3B*.PNG%3B*.JPG%3B*.JPEG%3B*.JPE%3B*.GIF%3B*.HMT&amp;fileTypesDescription=All%20Files&amp;fileSizeLimit=0&amp;fileUploadLimit=0&amp;fileQueueLimit=0&amp;debugEnabled=false&amp;buttonImageURL=&amp;buttonWidth=1&amp;buttonHeight=1&amp;buttonText=&amp;buttonTextTopPadding=0&amp;buttonTextLeftPadding=0&amp;buttonTextStyle=color%3A%20%23000000%3B%20font-size%3A%2016pt%3B&amp;buttonAction=-110&amp;buttonDisabled=false&amp;buttonCursor=-2"></object>

That was what was alluded to and I in posting the red button Youtube caused the software to give that image which then messed up my own Android, like MontysEvilTwin (or whichever way round it goes)... I have a flash add on which messed Firefox beta Android. That's when I diagnosed my own fault.
Will there be another box that is customisable or will the digital rights owners insist that the boxes are locked down to make customisation much more difficult?

I think the software for Humax machines world wide is developed in South Korea.

I think that text possibly contains what we don't talk about but then the human spirit gets round obstacles so unless they used 256 bit DES encryptions or 3DES whatever etc and so forth. Extra requirements were put in for the HD freeview PVR standard as we know re data flow, not sure what else extra has been put in recently. One for Chris perhaps. The YouView standard got it's workings of what can and can't be done.
What occurred to me driving up the motorway are we certain that in the EPG refresh they aren't waking the box up at a different time - talking about those that upgraded to 1.03.xx. Question is how awake. This would have a bearing if one didn't have the disables in.
It's built in to the HD/HDR-FOX to go looking for an OTA at 0430 - that could be changed by a firmware update of course. disable-ota deletes the item from the schedule whenever it is found, but relies in there being a reboot before it happens in order to delete it. Forcing the box to do something else at 0430 stops it looking for an OTA. See Things Every... (click) section 1.
The tech spec for freeview is called the dbook. It was last updated in 2011.
That's the one where the BBC was made to specify that there would be no HD data flow to the outside world so you couldn't produce digital HD copies. That was a last minute thing that messed up the roll out of Free view PVR HD.

The YouView spec presume was done by a committee of the shareholders. I think that one stops you jumping adverts. So is more related to the pay TV wants rather than the big studios.

I have a feeling that the direction of travel will be more liberal again if the Pay TV operators aren't part of a new connected collaboration of public sector broadcasters e.g. less the pay TV operators.
That ain't gonna happen. I have expected a general shift towards commercial broadcasting ever since digital was first mentioned.
All digital boxes were / are locked down under pay TV, it was Free view that liberated things. Mix Freeview with pay TV (You View) and you get increased security. The Far East boxes whether satellite or TV are more kit form with USB drives etc which allow you to do more. If the international specification of freeview allows you to customise then it will happen, if a specification is meddled with by pay TV operators then customisation is going to be more tricky. I believe the problem with You View at the minute is that you can't see the software and the user doesn't have the ability to upgrade themselves. Remove this ability and you remove a chunk of customisation.

You guys tell me its the open nature of the published Linux specification which allows you to build the hooks into the EPG etc. Hence the slight angst in Humax not keeping their beta site up to date with software releases whether this has a darker side or petty politics is the question. I suspect the latter not a policy change. No doubt the argument goes that after the update is no longer available over the air we publish, but no need to now. Previously early releases prior to over the air updates were published. No doubt they would argue with better testing they no longer need to involve a larger community and won't release part fixes ahead of the over the air update.
Silly question, and I'm a bit embarrassed asking!

How do I set this daily reminder? Do I remind myself that I want to watch a program between these times, using th EPG? Or is it the daily wake up setting on rs.hpkg.tv?

Press GUIDE followed by the yellow button. This will get you to the schedule. The top line ‘New Reservation’ will be highlighted.

Press ‘OK’ and a pop-up will appear. Fill in the details on the pop-up, including ‘Repeat’ set to ‘Daily’, and Mode’ set to ‘Reminder’.
Or you could use Menu->Settings->Preferences->Time option.
This is used to turn the Humax on and off at your chosen times.
It has always been enough for me, but if you want belt and braces set the reminder as well.
I see that nobody answered this. So I also ask is disable ota enough?
It should be, but check in Web-If> scheduled events, or on the remote scheduling portal, that there is no auto-update event in the list. If there is delete it and reboot. To be extra safe you can use the power on timer to make sure the box is already on at 4.30am when the auto-update event is scheduled.

EDIT: to correct a factual error. As Black Hole has explained merely being switched on does not block the OTA update, a reminder has to be set instead.
I will be available to test out the Custom version with BootHDR as soon as af123 posts it up, up to Saturday. No pressure :). Expect we'll see it posted up Thursday / Friday. Based on how quick he turned round 1.03.11.