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    • gomezz
      gomezz replied to the thread Another computer question....
      My experience is a mobile data connection uses more power than a wi-fi connection. But I suspect that is largely down to the phone...
    • gomezz
      As I understand it the British Constitution is being continually ret-conned by the laws which spring from it. That is, the parliament...
    • gomezz
      c) Depends
    • gomezz
      Actually only one was as the other was with Great British forces being only part of a larger coalition against the French forces.
    • gomezz
      I assume Q1 is not about rugby league? Of the four options given only two were a battle between Great Britain and France.
    • gomezz
      gomezz replied to the thread Media mistakes.
      Tuppence, thruppence ...
    • gomezz
      gomezz replied to the thread Media mistakes.
      I always put the small change in first to reduce the amount of small change I end up with. So in your case I would get a fiver back as...
    • gomezz
      gomezz reacted to trog's post in the thread Media mistakes with Like Like.
      Packs of 10 eggs are ten a penny in supermarkets https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/search?query=10%20eggs
    • gomezz
      gomezz replied to the thread Media mistakes.
      So it is but it does matter which colour.
    • gomezz
      gomezz replied to the thread Media mistakes.
      The top score in snooker is a gross (if you start with a free ball on green).
    • gomezz
      gomezz replied to the thread Media mistakes.
      Football score? Maybe a rugby score. But (almost) definitely not a cricket score.
    • gomezz
      gomezz replied to the thread Media mistakes.
      Only as a scaling prefix such as milli-whats.
    • gomezz
      gomezz replied to the thread Assume v. Presume.
      Was catching up with the World Superbikes coverage when James Toseland (two time champion and now a co-commentator) was praising one of...
    • gomezz
      gomezz replied to the thread Assume v. Presume.
      Full of famous actors making their one and only appearance in the place? :D
    • gomezz
      gomezz reacted to MikeSh's post in the thread Assume v. Presume with Like Like.
      Wow. Tomorrow that is exactly what we are doing. No kidding. She's off to Mudeford with relatives for the day and I plan to have a pint...
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