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      Rodders53 reacted to SemiRamis's post in the thread Channel 4 HD blips with Like Like.
      Would you believe it? No blips on news tonight.
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      Rodders53 replied to the thread Channel 4 HD blips.
      OK News tonight and tomorrow. {Not that I'll watch unless you report the glitches.} I'll also do Friday's Food Unwrapped 2000...
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      Rodders53 replied to the thread Channel 4 HD blips.
      Name a programme or two you will be recording on Channel 4 in the next few days/week and I'll try to record one or more here off Sandy...
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      Rodders53 replied to the thread Channel 4 HD blips.
      CF --- read up on it. Very useful. It may be a bit of a learning curve to start? I'm less au fait with the -T2 variant, but it will...
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      Rodders53 replied to the thread Channel 4 HD blips.
      Get the Custom Firmware installed on (both?) -T2s and then post some .TS snips of the issue from a recorded file more accurately? NB...
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      Rodders53 reacted to antipodean's post in the thread Media mistakes with Like Like.
      Technically it needs to be a lower case k, as an upper case is for temperature in Kelvin. I can never remember if it is k for 1000...
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      Rodders53 replied to the thread Channel 4 HD blips.
      That's a big advertising region for C4: it covers: BBC East (ex Norwich) BBC Southeast (ex Tunbridge Wells) BBC South (ex Southampton)...
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      Rodders53 replied to the thread Channel 4 HD blips.
      As the recorded stream of a channel is identical to the live... any inherent stream problems would (or should) be seen on both live and...
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      Rodders53 reacted to Black Hole's post in the thread Series record issue. with Like Like.
      You were not specific: "Any" being the operative word, therefore not excluding HDR-FOX.
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      Rodders53 replied to the thread Series record issue..
      We've got a fair way through some such labelled programmes before realising we've seen it.. and only record HD satellite / Freeview so...
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      Rodders53 replied to the thread Series record issue..
      Or, better(imho), would be Series (aka Season) and Episode numbers in the info part of the EPG we use to set recordings. At least then...
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      Rodders53 reacted to prpr's post in the thread opkg update issue with Like Like.
      2.21 is 11 years old. Surely you expect things to have changed (for the better) since then? Even 3.00 is over 10 years old and package...
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      Rodders53 reacted to Kiza's post in the thread FVP-5000T Netflix disappeared with Haha Haha.
      The issue was caused by incorrectly formated HDD after replacement, for whatever the reason
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      Rodders53 reacted to Black Hole's post in the thread Cooling Fan with Like Like.
      Full details in the link above, but my recommendation is to clean any gunk (dried oil/grease/dust) out of the bearing first.
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      Rodders53 reacted to Last.To.Know's post in the thread Remote Control on its way out? with Like Like.
      As you were. I had a hunch so I powered down the T2 and switched it off at the back for 10 minutes. The remote is behaving itself. Or...
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