Foxsat-HDR - New/Updated Package Download


The Online Repository is now available again to upload new and updated packages, so you can install package(s) by going to "WebIf", "Package Management", as you always have.

I've included links to the following if anyone needs to reinstall the CFW:
Custom Firmware v4.1.3
Full instructions on how to install everything are provided in the included ReadMe.txt

Nowster's Patch
It's a small firmware patch that once installed records HD programs without encryption. Any HD recordings existing before adding the patch will still be encrypted.
This isn't available via the Repository and has to be installed via an USB memory stick similar to when you installed the CFW. You can see the instructions for installing package(s) by USB stick by going to "WebIf", "Documentation", "Custom Firmware", "Installation", "Software Package Installation" in the current Documentation.

We still don't have access to the Remote Scheduling server so the Channel Icons can not be updated.
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Just to clarify, the online repository is still available if you want to install packages you haven't previously installed. As @David500 says, we just can't add new or updated packages to it.

The new version of the WebIf package above does not add new functionality. It simply prevents the (out of date) Default Authority data being downloaded from the repository if you click on the "Update package list from Internet" button in the package management screen. I would strongly recommend that anyone installing the new DefaultAuthority package also installs the WebIf package to avoid accidentally overwriting the updated data.
The online repository is now accessible so you can install updated packages as before. I will keep the packages here in this tread updated and as a backup/alternative way of installing them. The updated WebIf v2.91 package here and in the repository just restores the facility to download the latest version of the DefaultAuthority, it does not add any new features. I would recommend you install this version.

We still don't have access to the Remote Scheduling server so the Channel Icons can not be updated.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Web-If Docs v1.20 / Web Interface / Package Management says:

The online Repository can no longer be updated.

Is this now incorrect?
There is a new release of webif-docs v1.21 available from the repository or from post #1 above. The only difference is that v1.20 still had a reference to the repository being unavailable, which it isn’t thanks to @prpr.
There is a new release of Channel Icons v1.60 and DefaultAuthority. They are available from the repository or post #1 above.
The DefaultAuthority has BBC One South West which has moved to 10.773 H and for the BBC SD channels and radio that will be moving to 12.422 H which will allow the existing transponders to be changed to DVB-S2 for the new BBC ONE HD regions.
There is a new release of the DefaultAuthority v1.04. It is available from the repository or post #1 above.
The Default Authority includes the following:
BBC FOUR HD (moved TP)
BBC ScotlandHD (moved TP)
CBeebies HD (moved TP)
BBC TWO Wal HD (moved TP)
Which took place today except for the Foxsat-HDR which is tomorrow.
I seem to have no signal on bbc4hd at all. no epg either. Have updated default authority, I think, updated packages from internet and default authority showed up in the temporary thingy.
Do you leave your Foxsat-HDR in stand-by overnight so that it can do the 3am Housekeeping where it automatically does a channel update?
I think last night it did. However two nights ago it did not sleep. Played all night . Is there a log to check?
Other channels that changed over the last few weeks are:
BBC One South West
BBC One South HD
Can you receive these?