Hi both,
Thanks af123, that sound spot on. I've installed, but I'm guessing a reboot will be needed as my Android browser isn't picking up the advice on humax.local yet. I'll reboot when there's no recording in the way.
I'll have a look at my router options at some point Andrew, it's a...
I'm only familiar with DHCP for assigning IP addresses.
Will a DHCP hostname work in a web browser?
I.e as far as I'm aware a browser uses DNS, so I guess I'm asking; will a successful DHCP hostage registration register a DNS enter on my router?
If so, anyone know whether the Humax is...
A couple of points:
Someone asserted file sharing is illegal. It's not.
Sharing content you're not licenced to redistribute is illegal.
Projects like Vodo and others support independent film makers through a donation model distribute mainly through completely legal Bittorrent file sharing...
Hi all,
I couldn't find this covered anywhere, so I thought I'd post on here.
The HDR fox announces it's NetBios name for file shares etc. and is visible in DLNA (such uses uPnP )
What would be great is the box would register a domain name on uPnP (router permitting) .
Cheers, a bit of a shame as it means without preventing standby, you have to go to the box and switch it on with the remote to start streaming from it.
Thanks for the info and search advice though.
P.s. I'm using an HDR Fox, but this was the closest thread I found and I didn't notice the lack...
It looks like the search box doesn't like me!
It returned this thread and one other that doesn't seems to be relevant.
Only other thread found - seems to be about the web portal.
Does anyone have any info on this? (Tawny's link doesn't seems to work any more.)
Specifically I'm trying to get...
They're all on demand videos & most of the content is 5mins or less, but there are videos from the likes of:
The Guardian
Earth Touch
Discovery Channel
Animal planet
and others
Plus you tube-alikes:
Daily Motion
Video bash
Vimeo etc.
Just jumping back to the DLNA "renderer" function question.
While I too would love to be able to push DLNA streams from mobile devices using something like Twonky "Beam Browser" (browse the we then redirect any video stream to the DLNA renderer), I can't see any way around the fact the Humax...
I don't know my way around he file system, or what scritps can be run, so I stuck to the SQLite3 command line.
The below generates a channel list setup script that will restore the channel order when run from SQLite3.
The idea is it can be used to backup/restore your current channel order &...
Cheers for the pointer - I've never been to the forum listing, so would probably have never found that!
(I got here from Google, signed up and posted to this thread)
I'm now running soley from the main transmitter, so no duplicates (there was at least one triplicate as well before this!)
I couldn't help but set the "network search" option to "on".
Basically, I just selected the HD channel, with DVB-T2 selected and it happily went through all of the channels for the relevant transmitter.
119 channels found after 1 manual scan.
My guess is that it checks the internet...
How do I find out which channels are from which transmitter?
What does mixing transmitters actually do to the accurate recording stuff?
(not all channels have been duplicated, so from what you've said, I'll need to find out what transmitter the singletons are on and use that. Then cross my...
Thanks I'll take a look at some point; just need to confirm which channel has the best signal for each duplicate.
- I'd prefer the numbers to change so the remote #'s still make sense.
One thing I did notice is that there's a field called usOrgLcn on tbl_svc (which is zero on all channels for...
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