Recently recorded from BBC4, on viewing there was a lot of picture breakup.
Have now looked at the Signal strength from TV, it's showing BBC1 as 87% but BBC4 as 75%
I'm on the Tacolneston transmitter.
Is this a normal reduction from BBC1 to 4?
Also where can I find the Multiplexer chart for...
OK, I understand.
Also I just realised why the last programme I recorded was cut short.
I had recorded two consecutive programmes both with a start padding of 2 minutes & both with a end padding of 10 minutes.
On playing the programme recorded first it was cut short.
But on playing the...
Ref this part of my last post:-
One thing to state the obvious on Accurate Recording, as I can't find anything in the User Manual, can I assume this is selected when both the start & end padding is set to 0?
I just want to be certain that I'm not missing anything.
Now read the information supplied by "Black Hole" & it appears there are advantages/disadvantages with using both Padding & Accurate Recording.
One thing to state the obvious on Accurate Recording, as I can't find anything in the User Manual, can I assume this is selected when both the start &...
Sorry only scant information.
The initial instance was the film "Prisoners" I think recorded from Film 4. Please do not tell me the ending, I will wait until it's on again!
Second instance was "The Bee Gees at the BBC" recorded from BBC 4 on 21st March 2016
To answer "Trev" yes the programmes...
On two occasions recently I have lost the end of recorded programmes.
I have the setting for "End Programme Pad" set for the maximum of 10 minutes.
Is this a known fault or was it caused by the channels changing the programme times slightly?
I'm not using Customised Software, the version in the...
1 John, thanks, they were the first things I carried out, but thanks for suggesting all of these practical ideas, also note I have not got a splitter the aerial is directly into the Humax
2 Black Hole, thanks for the information re Transmitters
3 I will monitor Engineering work on the applicable...
The aerial is on the roof, the wiring is within the walls, there are no other "gubbins"
What is the DA?
Think it's the Transmitter work that is causing the current problems
Just wish somebody would advise the best site to get Transmitter information, I've asked enough times
Thanks, I will wait to see what happens when the work on the transmitter is completed, could I ask again if this is the best place to get Transmitter information:-
1 Thanks for information about the Engineering work. Is this the best web site to see progress?
2 Regarding mains filters, is the SLX2P filter the type I should get?
We already have, in the attic/loft, a Labgear Muliway Distribution Amplifier type 262.
So does this rule out the "Mains filter"?
If not is there a suggested type, or is the SLX2P filter mentioned the type to get?
We do not live near an airport/ there are no trees near by.
Also remember this...
As said in initial post, I'm on Tacolneston Transmitter.
We have no dimmer switches/& the microwave was not being used during the problem times, as to the freezer it seems OK.
As to 4G I'm not sure if this has started in the area, Post Code IP19.
So it looks as if there is not a solution?
Black Hole,
Perhaps my wording was inaccurate re the HD Tuner.
I was trying to say that in the past I have had HD quality pictures & hence feel that the Spec. of the TV was acceptable for HD
Also if the manufacture, Sony, said it was HD ready I assume that I would get HD quality pictures.
When I...
Have ensured that the HDMI lead is well away from the Aerial lead, gone into BBC1HD with the same/similar results, drops in Quality to 30% & pixilating on picture.
I can't understand the comment made by Trev that the TV does not have a HD tuner, comments on this please.
Also any other ideas on...
Thanks for replies.
I'm using Menu/Settings/System/Signal detection to get the figures.
Just done another trial over 2 minutes on each station & noted
1 BBC1HD Strength 48/50%, stable. Quality 100% but 3 quick drops to 5/30%
2 BBC2HD, Strength 46/50% stable, but Quality 100% but quick drops to...
I have a HDR-FoxT2 Recorder & I'm getting picture breakup on HD channels.
I know I live in a area of perhaps marginal reception.
Going into the box menu on BBC1/2 HD I'm getting 60% signal strength & 100% quality, & on BBC3 HD I'm getting 50% signal strength.
Are these figures typical, think I'm...
Neighbour is now back from the pub & he has retuned his Humax & he can't get BBC4 HD, so we think it must be our isolated area, very rural.
So have decided to leave it.
Just to say many thanks for all who have put forward positive help/ideas.
Have a good week.
Recently recorded from BBC4, on viewing there was a lot of picture breakup.
Have now looked at the Signal strength from TV, it's showing BBC1 as 87% but BBC4 as 75%
I'm on the Tacolneston transmitter.
Is this a normal reduction from BBC1 to 4?
Also where can I find the Multiplexer chart for...
OK, I understand.
Also I just realised why the last programme I recorded was cut short.
I had recorded two consecutive programmes both with a start padding of 2 minutes & both with a end padding of 10 minutes.
On playing the programme recorded first it was cut short.
But on playing the...
Ref this part of my last post:-
One thing to state the obvious on Accurate Recording, as I can't find anything in the User Manual, can I assume this is selected when both the start & end padding is set to 0?
I just want to be certain that I'm not missing anything.
Now read the information supplied by "Black Hole" & it appears there are advantages/disadvantages with using both Padding & Accurate Recording.
One thing to state the obvious on Accurate Recording, as I can't find anything in the User Manual, can I assume this is selected when both the start &...
Sorry only scant information.
The initial instance was the film "Prisoners" I think recorded from Film 4. Please do not tell me the ending, I will wait until it's on again!
Second instance was "The Bee Gees at the BBC" recorded from BBC 4 on 21st March 2016
To answer "Trev" yes the programmes...
On two occasions recently I have lost the end of recorded programmes.
I have the setting for "End Programme Pad" set for the maximum of 10 minutes.
Is this a known fault or was it caused by the channels changing the programme times slightly?
I'm not using Customised Software, the version in the...
1 John, thanks, they were the first things I carried out, but thanks for suggesting all of these practical ideas, also note I have not got a splitter the aerial is directly into the Humax
2 Black Hole, thanks for the information re Transmitters
3 I will monitor Engineering work on the applicable...
The aerial is on the roof, the wiring is within the walls, there are no other "gubbins"
What is the DA?
Think it's the Transmitter work that is causing the current problems
Just wish somebody would advise the best site to get Transmitter information, I've asked enough times
Thanks, I will wait to see what happens when the work on the transmitter is completed, could I ask again if this is the best place to get Transmitter information:-
1 Thanks for information about the Engineering work. Is this the best web site to see progress?
2 Regarding mains filters, is the SLX2P filter the type I should get?
We already have, in the attic/loft, a Labgear Muliway Distribution Amplifier type 262.
So does this rule out the "Mains filter"?
If not is there a suggested type, or is the SLX2P filter mentioned the type to get?
We do not live near an airport/ there are no trees near by.
Also remember this...
As said in initial post, I'm on Tacolneston Transmitter.
We have no dimmer switches/& the microwave was not being used during the problem times, as to the freezer it seems OK.
As to 4G I'm not sure if this has started in the area, Post Code IP19.
So it looks as if there is not a solution?
Black Hole,
Perhaps my wording was inaccurate re the HD Tuner.
I was trying to say that in the past I have had HD quality pictures & hence feel that the Spec. of the TV was acceptable for HD
Also if the manufacture, Sony, said it was HD ready I assume that I would get HD quality pictures.
When I...
Have ensured that the HDMI lead is well away from the Aerial lead, gone into BBC1HD with the same/similar results, drops in Quality to 30% & pixilating on picture.
I can't understand the comment made by Trev that the TV does not have a HD tuner, comments on this please.
Also any other ideas on...
Thanks for replies.
I'm using Menu/Settings/System/Signal detection to get the figures.
Just done another trial over 2 minutes on each station & noted
1 BBC1HD Strength 48/50%, stable. Quality 100% but 3 quick drops to 5/30%
2 BBC2HD, Strength 46/50% stable, but Quality 100% but quick drops to...
I have a HDR-FoxT2 Recorder & I'm getting picture breakup on HD channels.
I know I live in a area of perhaps marginal reception.
Going into the box menu on BBC1/2 HD I'm getting 60% signal strength & 100% quality, & on BBC3 HD I'm getting 50% signal strength.
Are these figures typical, think I'm...
Neighbour is now back from the pub & he has retuned his Humax & he can't get BBC4 HD, so we think it must be our isolated area, very rural.
So have decided to leave it.
Just to say many thanks for all who have put forward positive help/ideas.
Have a good week.
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