I suspect it is Samba 1. It's very slow for upload since you have to turn off the password in the Humax, which turns off the ftp access password as well.
So you connect as GUEST. FTP is not given r/w access but Samba is. So it's slow to upload but streams absolutely fine. Kodi can't browse it...
Ah and then I no longer have permission to upload files. Weird. But I can drag and drop using Finder to the SAMBA share. You know what, that'll do just fine since I can setup a synchronisation task to do just that automatically.
BTW Internet Sharing doesn't need to be on..
I want to connect to my Humax as a samba server I don't particularly want to access any recordings I just want to make use of it as a samba server for my music collection.
My Kodi installation on my Xbox One cannot browse it and won't connect using samba nor will my Mac. I can ping it fine from...
In the meantime I brought the exact duplicate machine down from the bedroom, which exhibits none of this behaviour.
We realised we almost never watch TV in bed anymore.
My 5000 is very poorly.
It refuses to record items that are set up in a schedule.
The item is concerned either disappear from the schedule or sit in perpetually requesting information.
And yet when you look at an episode in the planner it only offers "cancel series".
Which by the way it refuses...
I have two FVP-5000
Running UKTFAE 1.03.51
25 April 2019
Full factory reset.
Deleted all cookies.
When I launch ITV Hub it hangs at the cookie warning, and freezes the box requiring power off and on.
Dr. Tom
Semantics, eh?
As for reasonableness, I find it reasonable that a lock has a key.
Fixed is fixed.
But we are now having a row over semantics and I accept we should stop.
You know, you are coming across as very crotchety, folks.
So. The box has a Netflix app in it. Netflix master their own shows in 24fps (actually 23.976) and/or 60Hz.
Therefore it is very likely that Netflix, and possibly Amazon Prime Video material will be mastered and streamed in a refresh...
I am interested in 4k so this comparison is interesting to me. When I go shopping I shall see if I, too, observe this slowness.
Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk
I see from the avsforums review that the 5000 has a 50hz lock.
Has anyone seen this affect playback in practice or has it been resolved through a firmware update?
I would expect Netflix material that has been originated at 24 or 60 Hz to be affected by this.
Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk
Thanks @Ezra Pound
I think I can live with that however are there any known rumours of a UHD capable one in t'future?
Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk
Do we know anything about the potential/actual UHD capabilities of the 5000 boxes?
My TiVo V6 has UHD and Virgin have just started broadcasting a UHD channel.
How will this Hummy cope when the BBC inevitably launch theirs?
Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk
I suspect it is Samba 1. It's very slow for upload since you have to turn off the password in the Humax, which turns off the ftp access password as well.
So you connect as GUEST. FTP is not given r/w access but Samba is. So it's slow to upload but streams absolutely fine. Kodi can't browse it...
Ah and then I no longer have permission to upload files. Weird. But I can drag and drop using Finder to the SAMBA share. You know what, that'll do just fine since I can setup a synchronisation task to do just that automatically.
BTW Internet Sharing doesn't need to be on..
I want to connect to my Humax as a samba server I don't particularly want to access any recordings I just want to make use of it as a samba server for my music collection.
My Kodi installation on my Xbox One cannot browse it and won't connect using samba nor will my Mac. I can ping it fine from...
In the meantime I brought the exact duplicate machine down from the bedroom, which exhibits none of this behaviour.
We realised we almost never watch TV in bed anymore.
My 5000 is very poorly.
It refuses to record items that are set up in a schedule.
The item is concerned either disappear from the schedule or sit in perpetually requesting information.
And yet when you look at an episode in the planner it only offers "cancel series".
Which by the way it refuses...
I have two FVP-5000
Running UKTFAE 1.03.51
25 April 2019
Full factory reset.
Deleted all cookies.
When I launch ITV Hub it hangs at the cookie warning, and freezes the box requiring power off and on.
Dr. Tom
Semantics, eh?
As for reasonableness, I find it reasonable that a lock has a key.
Fixed is fixed.
But we are now having a row over semantics and I accept we should stop.
You know, you are coming across as very crotchety, folks.
So. The box has a Netflix app in it. Netflix master their own shows in 24fps (actually 23.976) and/or 60Hz.
Therefore it is very likely that Netflix, and possibly Amazon Prime Video material will be mastered and streamed in a refresh...
I am interested in 4k so this comparison is interesting to me. When I go shopping I shall see if I, too, observe this slowness.
Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk
I see from the avsforums review that the 5000 has a 50hz lock.
Has anyone seen this affect playback in practice or has it been resolved through a firmware update?
I would expect Netflix material that has been originated at 24 or 60 Hz to be affected by this.
Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk
Thanks @Ezra Pound
I think I can live with that however are there any known rumours of a UHD capable one in t'future?
Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk
Do we know anything about the potential/actual UHD capabilities of the 5000 boxes?
My TiVo V6 has UHD and Virgin have just started broadcasting a UHD channel.
How will this Hummy cope when the BBC inevitably launch theirs?
Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk
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