Cursed a PC yes, more times than I care to mention but to be honest, it's reached a stage where if I hit the power on button on the Humax remote, I feel lucky if it starts up. This morning, after the disk check last night, I checked and ... nothing, again.
To check that directory I telnet'd...
OK, it crashed since last night. Watched a recorded movie and came to switch it on today, it wouldn't. Had to power off and on. I noticed on the display, it was displaying the Cust FW 2.23 message. I'll try and lift off the diag information outlined above
/mod/core is empty on the box... Date: 11/05/2014
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
Try again from another laptop?
I tried to download he latest custom firmware and get a google docs not available error
Is there a problem with it or me? :)
I created an account and logged in to the Wiki but still no joy.
I have installed crashdiag and it's not crashed since!
It's behaving itself at the moment for some reason although i haven't recorded anythign for a while. I'll set something to record on HD and see if that breaks it.
Yep, I've done the Maintenance Mode disk check quite a few times now, it rarely finds any issues by the looks of things
By "obtain another unit" you mean get a second hand one or a reconditioned or something?
I think 78% caused it to settle around 40oC. One of the earlier posts on here said that if the temp reaches 58 (I think?) it means the fan's not coming on. I set it this high as it's still inaudible to me.
It's on a shelf on its own just off the floor, nothing else near it.
Just looking...
Hmm, I suppose it could be the front panel because when it's unresponsive, it still displays the correct time and I *think* that sysmon still records the HD temperature.
I haven't Googled yet but where would I get a replacement panel ?
So, I've had the Humax for a couple of years. Brief history, encountered the delete loop problem early on so installed the Custom firmware, brilliant, very impressed, adds so much to the box.
It started overheating (diagnostic showing too high number for temperature), had Power Supply...
I've downloaded, extracted and copied the .hdf to a pen drive (the one I used on my other Humax box) and followed the instructions (press and hold the stand by button on the front etc) but the Humax seems to go into some kind of boot loop.
It starts up, seems to shutdown, starts up again...
Thanks. So even with the Custom Firmware, it has to be *.ts? That'd be a shame, more conversion to do.
Thing is, the Sony TV sees the drive, finds the folders but says there are no files in them, when they're mp4 anyway. Alternative would be to find just what format it will play (says mp4...
I have a WD MyBookLive drive on my home network and wondered if the Freesat box can access the files on there at all?
This worked fine on my Humax Freeview HD recorder under Media -> Storage but I can't find it via the menus. This probably means it's not there but thought I'd ask the...
Thanks again,
it's going to be warm again this weekend, I have a bit to record and catch up on so I'll give the open case thing a try.
The box is over a year old now so I think it's out of warranty. I'll look at rigging some kind of fan off the rear usb port and see how that goes.
Thanks, I just checked the diagnostic and it's 61. I also can't hear the fan so it looks like this may be the problem.
It just crashed again this evening, I was watching/chasing a programme being recorded and it froze. I saw a post about mod'ing the fan power from the rear USB, I'll see if I...
Hi all,
I've had a HDR-FOX Freeview for around 12 months. For a while it was fine, then I had a problem or two and discovered/installed the custom firmware (delete loop problem).
In the earlier days, I'd get a problem where SD channels were badly pixelating but the HD ones would be OK...
Strange but when I tried the following day from an iPad over wireless it worked, did it need to be switched off/rebooted/in stand-by for longer?
Anyway, it works now. Thanks for the replies.
Ok, so I guess if that doesn't work it means it didn't install properly. It still prompts me with the 'download and install' screen.
I'll try again,
Cursed a PC yes, more times than I care to mention but to be honest, it's reached a stage where if I hit the power on button on the Humax remote, I feel lucky if it starts up. This morning, after the disk check last night, I checked and ... nothing, again.
To check that directory I telnet'd...
OK, it crashed since last night. Watched a recorded movie and came to switch it on today, it wouldn't. Had to power off and on. I noticed on the display, it was displaying the Cust FW 2.23 message. I'll try and lift off the diag information outlined above
/mod/core is empty on the box... Date: 11/05/2014
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
Try again from another laptop?
I tried to download he latest custom firmware and get a google docs not available error
Is there a problem with it or me? :)
I created an account and logged in to the Wiki but still no joy.
I have installed crashdiag and it's not crashed since!
It's behaving itself at the moment for some reason although i haven't recorded anythign for a while. I'll set something to record on HD and see if that breaks it.
Yep, I've done the Maintenance Mode disk check quite a few times now, it rarely finds any issues by the looks of things
By "obtain another unit" you mean get a second hand one or a reconditioned or something?
I think 78% caused it to settle around 40oC. One of the earlier posts on here said that if the temp reaches 58 (I think?) it means the fan's not coming on. I set it this high as it's still inaudible to me.
It's on a shelf on its own just off the floor, nothing else near it.
Just looking...
Hmm, I suppose it could be the front panel because when it's unresponsive, it still displays the correct time and I *think* that sysmon still records the HD temperature.
I haven't Googled yet but where would I get a replacement panel ?
So, I've had the Humax for a couple of years. Brief history, encountered the delete loop problem early on so installed the Custom firmware, brilliant, very impressed, adds so much to the box.
It started overheating (diagnostic showing too high number for temperature), had Power Supply...
I've downloaded, extracted and copied the .hdf to a pen drive (the one I used on my other Humax box) and followed the instructions (press and hold the stand by button on the front etc) but the Humax seems to go into some kind of boot loop.
It starts up, seems to shutdown, starts up again...
Thanks. So even with the Custom Firmware, it has to be *.ts? That'd be a shame, more conversion to do.
Thing is, the Sony TV sees the drive, finds the folders but says there are no files in them, when they're mp4 anyway. Alternative would be to find just what format it will play (says mp4...
I have a WD MyBookLive drive on my home network and wondered if the Freesat box can access the files on there at all?
This worked fine on my Humax Freeview HD recorder under Media -> Storage but I can't find it via the menus. This probably means it's not there but thought I'd ask the...
Thanks again,
it's going to be warm again this weekend, I have a bit to record and catch up on so I'll give the open case thing a try.
The box is over a year old now so I think it's out of warranty. I'll look at rigging some kind of fan off the rear usb port and see how that goes.
Thanks, I just checked the diagnostic and it's 61. I also can't hear the fan so it looks like this may be the problem.
It just crashed again this evening, I was watching/chasing a programme being recorded and it froze. I saw a post about mod'ing the fan power from the rear USB, I'll see if I...
Hi all,
I've had a HDR-FOX Freeview for around 12 months. For a while it was fine, then I had a problem or two and discovered/installed the custom firmware (delete loop problem).
In the earlier days, I'd get a problem where SD channels were badly pixelating but the HD ones would be OK...
Strange but when I tried the following day from an iPad over wireless it worked, did it need to be switched off/rebooted/in stand-by for longer?
Anyway, it works now. Thanks for the replies.
Ok, so I guess if that doesn't work it means it didn't install properly. It still prompts me with the 'download and install' screen.
I'll try again,
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