Ezra Pound
Well-Known Member
MartinOnline #17 : Thanks for the replies.
However, sorry to appear dim but am I right in assuming from the above that between 0425 and 0440 the unit checks for a software update and, if one exists, downloads and installs it.
If so, to what do the instructions on page 54 of the HDR User's Manual and Page 41 of the HD User's Manual mean when they refer to a choice between Yes, No (only HD Manual) and Later?
Page 54 refers to the unit detecting new software during standby and "you can choose either to download immediately or later when you switch to operation mode". The implication here is that the unit has been manually switched on to display an output and a user choice is required to install the new software.
Now, its a long time since I watched TV at 0430, so with the Humax in standby (and thus with no user interaction) will any new software be installed?
If a user choice is required then to stop an update the choice No or Later (if they exist as described in the manuals) should be used until after the DTG transmission whenever the unit is switched into operation mode.
Of course this begs the question, what does the choice "No" mean; "Later" being adequately described in the manuals.
The Auto and Manual Software Update (OTA) on pages 53 and 54 of the HDR user manual are 'DO IT NOW' options that work in addition to the 4:30AM wakeup, BUT the 4:30AM daily OTA can't be turned off, without the use of the Custom Firmware package Disable-OTA
I am not sure about 'operation mode' but remember that this is in addition to the auto 4:30AM
If the Humax is in standby at 4:30AM the Humax WILL wake up and it WILL automatically download new software without intervention