7Zip - split files


Can any assist with a guide on the syntax used in the 7Zip package to compress a 650MB file into split sections of 10MB?

Downloading across the WAN of large files is prone to errors.
I'm not expert, but as far as I can make out (after a detailed search) the required switch is "-v10m" (v for volume).
I'm not expert, but as far as I can make out (after a detailed search) the required switch is "-v10m" (v for volume).

Many thanks for taking the time to look. I also searched the help files for this program but as a complete novice, could not make head nor tail of it :(

I'm afraid I need more than the switch, I need the full syntax line.

I also assume you would first need to make a directory in which to put the files?

7z a -v10m archive2.zip .\subdir\*

This is what I make of the syntax. As for making a directory, I have no idea.
To make a directory called mysubdir type:
mkdir mysubdir

Thank you. Now all I need is to confirm what I think is the zip syntax. I don't suppose I can hurt much if I give my attempt at try.
EDIT: Ah, it has just occurred to me that I will not know where I am when I just get the humax prompt. So I will need to preceed that with a path?

Is the language Linux?
Yes, we are talking Linux. pwd tells you where you are, cd to change directory ( "/" to root, ".." up one level), ls -l to list the current directory's contents including subdirectories (and have information about them), and (as said above) mkdir to create a directory (either in the curent directory or elsewhere if you give the full path).
I can't see how to cd to the virtual-disk folder. In fact can only cd to directories in the mod directory. Anywhere else is denied.

Obviously I am doing something wrong. any help appreciated :)

I just want to cd into the virtual-disk folder, there to split one of the renamed files to sftp to me.
All this so SWMBO can watch soaps while you're away? I can see who wears the trousers!

No, you have it wrong ;)

I use Corry as a test and tell SWMBO I work very hard to get these for her. Even if I only get one episode I tried! In return I get an extra special nightly massage (SWMBO is Chinese). However, my main reason is to see programs which interest me and are 1 hour long. In addition I want to learn.
OK, by copying the decrypted file to the mod/tmp/dir (the existing content of which is small) and then cd to that dir, I have been able to split the file(s) into 10mb chunks.

Bit of a fiddle and I feel sure there is a dorrect way of splitting the file in virttual_disk folder. Using WinSCP to get the chunks as they are produced.

Anyhow, testing goes on (as do the massages!)
I thought that must be it... didn't like to mention (family show and all that - cough)

Back to the plot, I'm wondering why you are using a virtual disk? Granted I don't know why you can't cd into it (not got one, can't check, but wouldn't surprise me if using the wrong path to get there because there are several "virtual" mount points that don't work with FTP), but I don't find I need a virtual disk (unless you are using an HD-FOX which I don't think you are). It used to be the case in the early development that the only way we had to decrypt was to copy to USB (or a virtual USB), but that has given way to background decryption in place.
I thought that must be it... didn't like to mention (family show and all that - cough)

Back to the plot, I'm wondering why you are using a virtual disk? Granted I don't know why you can't cd into it (not got one, can't check, but wouldn't surprise me if using the wrong path to get there because there are several "virtual" mount points that don't work with FTP), but I don't find I need a virtual disk (unless you are using an HD-FOX which I don't think you are). It used to be the case in the early development that the only way we had to decrypt was to copy to USB (or a virtual USB), but that has given way to background decryption in place.

I was copying to virtual disk to decrypt but of course can aso do it in situ which is what I did to get the file to move to the tmp folder. So, until I can find a more elegant way I will do that. I also uninstalled VD but I forget why I re-installed it. Is it in fact redundant and maybe needs to be removed?
As far as I know it is redundant on an HDR these days, although anybody using Mediatomb to serve may find it is tied into that. When you say you were copying to virtual disk to decrypt, presumably you mean using the remote control handset OPT+ button? You can't be doing that from the other side of the world anyway!

Your options for decryption without transferring the content off the box (including to a real or virtual USB drive) are the WebIF "decrypt" option on the OPT+ menu or the unencrypt package running in the background - either of which require auto-unprotect. [I know you know, I'm just ramming the message home to everyone else.]

HD-FOX users still need a virtual USB disk, as HDR Mode plus a handset OPT+ copy operation (to either a virtual or a second real USB drive) remains the only means to decrypt, and Mediatomb remains the only means to serve media by DLNA (and requires decrypted content).
As far as I know it is redundant on an HDR these days, although anybody using Mediatomb to serve may find it is tied into that. When you say you were copying to virtual disk to decrypt, presumably you mean using the remote control handset OPT+ button? You can't be doing that from the other side of the world anyway!

I was actually using the +OPT function of webIF to copy/paste the the virtual disk. That is the dame as using the remote is it not?

Just watching 100 Malay Police do morning exercise. We could do with some of that in the UK! We are bliddy soft as a Country now :(
I was actually using the +OPT function of webIF to copy/paste the the virtual disk. That is the same as using the remote is it not?

I see no value in doing that at all - unless you particularly want the file in its original form on the virtual drive - other than kill some time and make the Humax do some useless morning exercise.
I see no value in doing that at all - unless you particularly want the file in its original form on the virtual drive - other than kill some time and make the Humax do some useless morning exercise.

Can't have that! The netbook gets enough exersise as it is. I will uninstall virtual disk next time the box wakes up.

I still hope someone will tell me how to cd to the folder which holds the decrypted file :)

The splitting is working well and the files are arriving intact.
cd "/media/My Video"

..does it for me (the quotes are necessary because of the space in the directory name, and Linux is case-sensitive).
You'll know by now that I am a pedant...
Is the language Linux?
No, the command line prompt is a program called a shell (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_(computing)) - in this case it is ash which is a derivative of the Bourne Shell (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Almquist_shell). It isn't in any way specific to Linux (which is the operating system running on the Humax) - the bourne shell is the primary interface to most UNIX operating systems and you can even run it on Windows.
Linux is case-sensitive).
The EXT filesystems are case sensitive. There are case-insensitive filesystems for Linux just as there are for other operating systems.