Hello all,
I'd like to announce the release of AV2HDR-T2 v1.0. A video import utility for the Humax HDR Fox T2 Freeview PVR.
It is a portover of the utility I originally created for the Humax Foxsat HDR Freesat PVR and it's function is similar, though not exactly the same.
Basically, it enables video not created on the T2, to be imported with all the functionality provided in a native recording. i.e. thumbnails, program synopsis and guidance text, fast forward, rewind, resume from last position etc.
I know you will say that you can already import and play some non-native video formats directly on the T2, but AV2HDR-T2 provides those "little extras" that people have come to expect from a PVR.
Full usage details are contained in the compiled help .chm file included with the program. I hope you find it useful.
AV2HDR-T2 v1.0 can be downloaded from the link in the wiki page HERE.
Enjoy !
P.S. Please don't quote this post in its entirety, one picture in the thread is enough, thank you.
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