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buying a new Humax PVR twin tuner

Alice Oldman

New Member
Hi, I am new to the forum. I have owned a Humax PVR9200T for a number of years and it has historically served me well. I am now so sick of it I want to and will put it in the bin. I am going to buy a new Humax my need is twin tuner, recording, freeview. I do not need a big storage capacity as I do not keep recordings long.
The BIG but is if I buy a new one will it have the same problem as the one in the BIN!!

In the last year it only records when it feels like it. It'll go days recording fine, the days will go by when it doesn't bother to record. There is no particular patter when it doesn't record it doesn't pick up stuff I've put on series record or one off pre asked for recordings. But always when it's not working I test by pressing instant record and it doesn't respond. I have spent quite a bit of money having the aerial contractor fiddle about with the aerial the leads etc. I get an excellent picture on all channels and I watch the signal through the HUMAX on my newish flat screen LG TV.

So when it works its excellent, but it is on the way to the bin I cannot fiddle with it any longer, as no HAIR LEFT!!

If I buy a new one will the problem go away!!

If so I see from the HUMAX site their are 3 choices please, which should I buy?

I would like to own a humax that is automataically updating its software over the air, I know mine doesn't update itself.

Any advice most welcome. Thank you from 15 miles in land from Great Yarmouth.
1) Does your 9200T have the latest firmware installed? Have you tried doing a factory reset and hard disk reformat? Have you checked that you are not receiving duplicate channels from more than one transmitter?

2) If you are going to get a new PVR then as I assume your newish TV is HD Ready then you may want to spend a bit extra to get an HD model. In which case the Humax Fox T2 model comes into the picture. Other names to consider are Digital Stream, TVonics and Samsung among others. It may be no help but I have yet to make my own mind up as to which Freeview HD PVR to go for if indeed I bother at all.

3) If you still decide to ditch the 9200T try eBaying it or Freecycling it as a project for someone with a soldering iron. Ccould be the PSU that needs repair or replacing or given the refusal to wake up for timers the front panel / clock chip that is failing (a known problem).
1) Does your 9200T have the latest firmware installed? Have you tried doing a factory reset and hard disk reformat? Have you checked that you are not receiving duplicate channels from more than one transmitter?

2) If you are going to get a new PVR then as I assume your newish TV is HD Ready then you may want to spend a bit extra to get an HD model. In which case the Humax Fox T2 model comes into the picture. Other names to consider are Digital Stream, TVonics and Samsung among others. It may be no help but I have yet to make my own mind up as to which Freeview HD PVR to go for if indeed I bother at all.

3) If you still decide to ditch the 9200T try eBaying it or Freecycling it as a project for someone with a soldering iron. Ccould be the PSU that needs repair or replacing or given the refusal to wake up for timers the front panel / clock chip that is failing (a known problem).

Thank you for replying. Before ditching my humax. I would like to try the things you suggested in No.1 of your reply. But I've no idea how. Can you advice? I look on menu and can see that the latest software is 20 MAY 2010. Does this mean I have the latest firmware installed? It does automatic updates in theory. It says the hardware version is PVR9200T REV 1.0 and software version is PGXTF1.00.23. When reseting to default setting it reloads version 4.09. Reloading default setting is that what you mean by factory reset, its the alone thing I can find that sound like it. When it downloads the channels it only appears to down load one set so I assume I have one set of channels from one transmitter. Where I live in Norfolk East Anglia, we only get a signal from TACelston Mast so I'm sure we've only got one set of channels.

Be great to get another help reply from you re this. much thanks.
I look on menu and can see that the latest software is 20 MAY 2010. Does this mean I have the latest firmware installed? It does automatic updates in theory. It says the hardware version is PVR9200T REV 1.0 and software version is PGXTF1.00.23.
Correct that is the latest although it is possible that a version 1.00.26 will be released in the future but this is not yet confirmed.
When reseting to default setting it reloads version 4.09.
There are two pieces of software involved in the 9200; 4.09 is the version number of the loader, 1.00.23 is the version number of the main software.
Reloading default setting is that what you mean by factory reset.
That is what was meant. In my view it is more likely that formatting the disk which is done from the HDD control menu will assist with your problem although it is equally possible that the hard drive is failing and needs to be replaced.
Correct that is the latest although it is possible that a version 1.00.26 will be released in the future but this is not yet confirmed.

There are two pieces of software involved in the 9200; 4.09 is the version number of the loader, 1.00.23 is the version number of the main software.

That is what was meant. In my view it is more likely that formatting the disk which is done from the HDD control menu will assist with your problem although it is equally possible that the hard drive is failing and needs to be replaced.

Thank you for that Martin. I have just formatted the hard drive and the instant record is now working so its fixed which is great. But will the fix hold do you think?
much thank you
One thing that cured a LOT of my problems was putting the Hummy on stand-by when not using it. Once I started doing that , lots of spurious issues (missed recordings etc) seemed to go away. Not missed one since
Hope that helps