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Can no longer connect to Foxsat!


New Member
All of a sudden I can not link to my Foxsat-HDR on my network by way of the web browser or windows Vista explorer. The firmware on the Foxsat is Raydon's Media and File Server - v4.0.7.
The network connection is sound in that I can ping to it and can run BBC iPlayer from it but I can not view the media files or link it to a web browser. Any ideas?
There was an OTA update for the Olympic channel recording issue starting yesterday which will have overwritten v4.0.7 during the overnight housekeeping.
Thanks Martin all sorted now. And thanks gomezz for the reason why as it really bugs me when things stop working and there's no apparent reason.
I had exactly the same problem as KBrcs and was thrilled to see the solution with the firmware upgrade. However I have flashed 4.0.8 but it has not solved the problem. Any ideas?
Well what I didn't say on my initial post was I did a lot more than just checking for a ping from my Foxsat. I started with checking the DNS out that then lead me to my server AVG anti-virus Firewall and its roll out to the clients. I have another firewall on the server as well that throws a wobbly now and then.
I suspect my set up is a little different as in the ADSL router is only connected to my server (that has 3 network cards/subnets) it then shunts this data using RRAS with IP Routing to my main LAN that my clients run on.
Also I run virtual PC's on the network and this can eat up my IP Address pool, hence I went through a lot of my system checking before asking Hummy for help.
I suggest you look into any DNS problems first so ping your Humax then ping it's name and you should get the same sort of reply back.

On another point still a little related to your (IanF) problem:-
Why was my Foxsat still displayed my version firmware 4.0.7 yet I had an OTA update? So why did this update not wipe of this info off the custom firmware?
If it had I would have known something had changed and looked for the next version and not spent hours checking my set up out!!
On another point still a little related to your (IanF) problem:-
Why was my Foxsat still displayed my version firmware 4.0.7 yet I had an OTA update? So why did this update not wipe of this info off the custom firmware?
If it had I would have known something had changed and looked for the next version and not spent hours checking my set up out!!

The ota updated the official Humax firmware from 1,0.20 to 1.0.21. It has no effect on the custom firmware, why would it, you surely are not expecting Humax to modify someone elses software. Every new firmware requires a new custom version to match. The custom firmware includes a copy of the matching Humax firmware to ensure compatibility. If you then reflash with 4.0.7 you take the Humax firmware back to 1.0.20. As a result the following night the ota to 1.0.21 is repeated. Raydon issued the 4.0.8 version to match the 1.0.21 update the same day as the ota went on line.
Thanks for your help. I'm not sure what ota version is on there but when I fire up the box it displays firmware version 4.0.8. I have previously programmed the box to shut down at around midnight and to switch on again in the morning. Does this mean I might have missed the ota 1.0.21 update? I will check this out tonight.
Before I knew about the firmware upgrade I re-flashed the 4.0.7 firmware as I thought the problem may have been caused by a power cut when the box was on. When I did this I managed to re-establish my connection to the box and everything worked fine until it went into standby. The next time I switched on I was not able to connect. I re-flashed it a couple more times but each time the same thing happened after switching off. After flashing 4.0.8 I have not been able to connect at all.
Thanks for your help. I'm not sure what ota version is on there but when I fire up the box it displays firmware version 4.0.8. I have previously programmed the box to shut down at around midnight and to switch on again in the morning. Does this mean I might have missed the ota 1.0.21 update? I will check this out tonight.
Before I knew about the firmware upgrade I re-flashed the 4.0.7 firmware as I thought the problem may have been caused by a power cut when the box was on. When I did this I managed to re-establish my connection to the box and everything worked fine until it went into standby. The next time I switched on I was not able to connect. I re-flashed it a couple more times but each time the same thing happened after switching off. After flashing 4.0.8 I have not been able to connect at all.

When you installed the new custom firmware you installed the latest 1.0.21 at the same time. Your box may have simply got a new IP address from your router. Check the IP address that Menu/System/Network gives you against the one you are using in your browser. Open a cmd window and type ping ipaddress (the one you got from the Foxsat). You should get a reply from the foxsat.

Ideally you should use a fixed IPaddress rather than using DHCP.
I am using a fixed IP address and when I check the router for attached devices the Foxsat-HDR is attached. However previously mapped network drives will no longer connect and when I ping the ip address it times out. Is it possible the power outage has spiked it in some way? Everything else seems to work fine including iplayer.
Just one further point which may or may not be significant. Although the Humax ip and MAC address shows up in the router attached devices list, the name (Foxsat-HDR) no longer does when it always used to.
Actually I have just remoted into my router and done a test ping and it was fine - no packets lost 0.8ms
I am using a fixed IP address and when I check the router for attached devices the Foxsat-HDR is attached. However previously mapped network drives will no longer connect and when I ping the ip address it times out. Is it possible the power outage has spiked it in some way? Everything else seems to work fine including iplayer.
Sound to me like samba is not running. Check the status in the Web Interface Service Management page, or enter "service" fom a telnet session.
Thanks for that Raydon but I can't get any sort of Web Interface to work at all let alone see the service management page. I understand I can use telnet from the command prompt but I have no idea what script to type. Any help here would be greatly appreciated as I didn't realise what I had until it was gone and I really miss it. Is it possible to run Samba from telnet??
Thanks for that Raydon but I can't get any sort of Web Interface to work at all let alone see the service management page. I understand I can use telnet from the command prompt but I have no idea what script to type. Any help here would be greatly appreciated as I didn't realise what I had until it was gone and I really miss it. Is it possible to run Samba from telnet??
Hi Ian,
You can start samba from telnet providing you have previously installed the telnet package. If not, then you will need to install it from USB stick. The telnet install package is included in the bundle and instructions on how to install it are in the readme.txt. Make sure and check the install log on the USB stick afterwards as it will tell you if it installed properly.
Open a telnet session to your HDR and enter service at the command prompt to list the status of each service. You will see something like this:
Foxsat-HDR~# service

Name                 Installed  Autostart  Running
----                 ---------  ---------  -------
telnet               Yes        Yes        Yes
dropbear             Yes        No         No
tinyftp              Yes        No         No
vsftpd               Yes        Yes        Yes
samba                No         Yes        No
mediatomb            Yes        No         No
twonkymedia          Yes        No         No
mongoose             Yes        Yes        Yes
inadyn               No         No         No

        service start <service>
        service stop <service>
        service toggle <service>        (toggles service state)
        service auto <service>          (toggles autostart)
The line for mongoose should contain three Yesses. If Autostart says No then enable it by entering service auto mongoose, then enter service start mongoose to start it immediately. Same goes for samba
Hi Raydon,
The firmware update was successful but I have checked which services were running and found samba was fine but mongoose was not running. I followed your instructions and BINGO!! I'm back in and all is well again. I can't thank you enough for your help
Thanks Raydon, I've just spent the whole morning re-installing the Firmware, but I've been unable to get the Web interface. I was just about to go in the loft for a cross-over network cable to test point-to-point from my laptop as a last ditch attempt, before giving in.

Thanks again - you've saved the last bit of my sanity.:frantic: