I've just bought a clearance HDR-FOX T2 from Richer Sounds and have been playing around with the custom firmware. The HDR came with firmware 1.02.26 installed, which doesn't seem to feature on the list of firmware versions, and I updated it to 1.03.06 without problem. I then installed custom firmware, version 2.19, and was able to access the web page. When I then tried to install the full web interface by clicking on the download button I couldn't get anything to happen so eventually installed it using the command line. Everything seemed fine, but accessing the EPG over the web interface was very slow (anything up to 60s to fully display one page), far slower than a friends HDR, so I thought I'd go back to standard firmware and start again. This is where the problems started.
I followed the instructions on the wiki to remove custom firmware, then re-installed 2.19. At this point I couldn't get a web interface at all and running "opkg update" from the command line results in:
humax# opkg update
Downloading Packages.gz.
wget: can't open '/Packages.gz': Read-only file system
Collected errors:
* opkg_download: Failed to download Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* rm_r: Failed to open dir : No such file or directory.
(full URL's removed so I can post this)
I've since run fix-disk but cannot get the above command to work, and it appears that my file system has gone read only, although I don't know enough about things to know if parts of it should be read only anyway, or indeed if I should be able to run "opkg update" in the way I'm trying.
As a PVR, everything seems to work OK. I can still record etc, it's just the web interface I can't install. The only other thing I've noted is that =RMA= is still coming up on the front display at some point, even though I have custom firmware installed.
Can anyone suggest what I should try next please?
I've just bought a clearance HDR-FOX T2 from Richer Sounds and have been playing around with the custom firmware. The HDR came with firmware 1.02.26 installed, which doesn't seem to feature on the list of firmware versions, and I updated it to 1.03.06 without problem. I then installed custom firmware, version 2.19, and was able to access the web page. When I then tried to install the full web interface by clicking on the download button I couldn't get anything to happen so eventually installed it using the command line. Everything seemed fine, but accessing the EPG over the web interface was very slow (anything up to 60s to fully display one page), far slower than a friends HDR, so I thought I'd go back to standard firmware and start again. This is where the problems started.
I followed the instructions on the wiki to remove custom firmware, then re-installed 2.19. At this point I couldn't get a web interface at all and running "opkg update" from the command line results in:
humax# opkg update
Downloading Packages.gz.
wget: can't open '/Packages.gz': Read-only file system
Collected errors:
* opkg_download: Failed to download Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* rm_r: Failed to open dir : No such file or directory.
(full URL's removed so I can post this)
I've since run fix-disk but cannot get the above command to work, and it appears that my file system has gone read only, although I don't know enough about things to know if parts of it should be read only anyway, or indeed if I should be able to run "opkg update" in the way I'm trying.
As a PVR, everything seems to work OK. I can still record etc, it's just the web interface I can't install. The only other thing I've noted is that =RMA= is still coming up on the front display at some point, even though I have custom firmware installed.
Can anyone suggest what I should try next please?