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Escape character is '^]'.
Menu version 1.13
Enter system PIN: ****
| T E L N E T M E N U |
[ Humax HDR-Fox T2 (Han) 1.03.12/3.03 ]
1 - Restart into maintenance mode.
2 - Remove web interface password.
stat - Show what the box is currently doing.
x - Exit and close connection.
rset - Reset custom firmware environment.
srma - Set return-to-manufacturer (RMA) mode.
diag - Run a diagnostic.
cli - System command line (advanced users).
Please select option: diag fix-lighttpd
Unrecognised option 'diagfix-lighttpd'
Press return to continue: diag
| T E L N E T M E N U |
[ Humax HDR-Fox T2 (Han) 1.03.12/3.03 ]
1 - Restart into maintenance mode.
2 - Remove web interface password.
stat - Show what the box is currently doing.
x - Exit and close connection.
rset - Reset custom firmware environment.
srma - Set return-to-manufacturer (RMA) mode.
diag - Run a diagnostic.
cli - System command line (advanced users).
Please select option: