Ok, I am tryibg to do exactly the same thing again - decrypt a file before I transfer it via secure ftp.
I am getting the same error as before:
The Humax media server is not running, cannot decrypt. Have you enabled
Content Sharing in the Humax menus? It can sometimes turn itself off so it's worth double checking. If it is on then try turning sharing off and on again.
I know that content sharing is on as it was last time. The error is created for another reason.
At the time of attempting this decrypt in place, the Humax is in AR mode, recording a continuous schedule of 3 programs.
Any idea why I am getting what appears to be a wrong error.
EDIT: Using the OPT+ download option I get the error:
Unable to connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
I will need to think about that error.
EDIT1: When I use HTTPS web server I get the same error. I forwarded port 9000 to the Humax but still get the error:
The Humax media server is not running, cannot decrypt. Have you enabled
Content Sharing in the Humax menus? It can sometimes turn itself off so it's worth double checking. If it is on then try turning sharing off and on again.
The problem is the content sharing turning itself off! When I turn it off (as suggested in the error), and then on again it works ok. This definately did happen one time in the past.
Without a way to access this setting remotely, remote downloading and decryption is not reliable.
EDIT2: Will use Virtual Disk via Tunnel + WinSCP then won't need Content Sharing