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Copying files to USB ?

The CF performs decryption by issuing the wget command to retrieve a decrypted copy of the program via the Humax DLNA server.

As an alternative to decryption on the box and then copying to the PC you could retrieve directly to the PC by plugging the recordings URL directly into VLC, wget or curl. The URL is shown on the webif browse interface.
It probably doesn't matter any more, but the relevant command is
hmt "/media/My Video/Olympics 2012/Olympics 2012_Closing Ceremony_20120812_2057"

The quotes are necessary because of the spaces in the path. Note no ".ts". You could also navigate to the relevant folder and run the hmt command directly on the file name.
I still don't have a file that will play on players I need .. so be good to get correct copy if possible.

It was the lack of quotes that was throwing me
Here is what it provides :
convert to what ? ... I don't want any reduction in quality

I thought (as now on customer f/w) I could now used USB stick ( NTFS )
which was the original intent .... previously USB stick could be seen but it would not write to it ... now it does not see the stick at all.
Is there any6thing I need to set in the f/ware ?
convert to what ? ... I don't want any reduction in quality

I thought (as now on customer f/w) I could now used USB stick ( NTFS )
which was the original intent .... previously USB stick could be seen but it would not write to it ... now it does not see the stick at all.
Is there any6thing I need to set in the f/ware ?

There is no requirement to reduce the quality, simply change the structure of the existing video data in a way that makes it more compatible with your choice of video player software (eg change the container to MP4). Though why you can't use other software like Splash Lite for instance I am not sure.
OK ... tried next step

As suggested above, loaded files into tsmuxer set to m2ts and remuxed ......... tsmuxer strips out all the audio, appears it does not like AAC audio
Other people are far more knowledgeable than me but if I had similar problems the first thing I would do is to load the offending file into VideoReDo Suite and choose Tools/Quick Stream Fix. You can also choose the output container type, e.g. H.264- .ts (188 packet size)/.mp4/.m2ts (192 packet size, same as Hummy), etc.

VideoReDo TV Suite can be downloaded as a free trial.
and as a free trial it has no limits ? .... other free trials I have tried only allow so many minutes - not a full video file

I know somone mentioned handbrake ... but only used that to transcode files ... not sure if it can just remux
OK ... tried next step

As suggested above, loaded files into tsmuxer set to m2ts and remuxed ......... tsmuxer strips out all the audio, appears it does not like AAC audio

Yes TSmuxer does not support aac audio, you can though convert the aac track to a ac3 file and add this to TSmuxer. I use VideoRedoTVsuite it's excellent but not free.
and as a free trial it has no limits ? .... other free trials I have tried only allow so many minutes - not a full video file

It appears that if you register with VideoReDo to get a key, the free trial has full functionality and no reminder screens.
"I use VideoRedoTVsuite it's excellent but not free."

I have already bought Vegas ... don't realy want to buy another package .. just to do this.
I'll keep looking for help ... this getting hold of 2 file has become a nightmare.
"I use VideoRedoTVsuite it's excellent but not free."

I have already bought Vegas ... don't realy want to buy another package .. just to do this.
I'll keep looking for help ... this getting hold of 2 file has become a nightmare.

I have Vegas 12 pro, it's support for other than H264/AVC files that do not strictly correspond to the spec is poor. Great for HD files from a camcorder, not good for broadcast files.

Why did you buy Sony Vegas, do you have a HD camcorder ?

VRD has always had brilliant support. Find a H264 source that it can't handle, upload a sample and a solution will follow in a very short time. It's purely a cut edit solution (great for chopping out ads and topping and tailing), and is amazingly fast. It's not a fully functional video editing package like Vegas which is aimed at a entirely different market.

What exactly do you want to do with these files ? Without this information how can we help ?

Did the TSmuxer remux work with the video, if so the answer is already posted ?

I watch my downloaded on my PC, smart phone and tablets. They also work fine using a £20.00 media player on any TV. Depending on what you want to play them on, the aac audio may need conversion to ac3. It's a lot easier using a satellite source because HD channels use ac3 audio.
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I bought Vegas specifically for editing Camcorder footage, I find it superb for that task ... either to create internet files or DVD's
So usually my input media is MP4 or AVCHD from camcorders or DV/Lagaraith if I have been doing video capture on PC.

In this instance I want to get these 2 files into Vegas (separate projects) for non-linear editing, and eventually production of DVD's
I want to keep the 6ch audio as its important part of this.

"Did the TSmuxer remux work"

Gave the details in post #49, it works on video but strips out all audio ... it can't handle AAC audio.
I'm assuming I need to find an alternate remux program.

Also tried tsremux, and gdsmux
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OK ... another update as there are several mentions of using VideoRedo TV Suite..... downloaded .... I then ran the 'Quick Stream Fix'
It has created new .ts files and they do play on VLC both video & audio.

So far still struggling with getting them into Vegas ........ the files drop in, previously it would go 'not responding as soon as I selected file.
However neither of the files have an audio track once dropped into Vegas.
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Did the hmt output give any clues?

This whole thing seems to have become unnecessarily complex. It should be quite straightforward to transfer a decrypted HiDef recording file to your PC (just use the most convenient of the documented methods), and then whether anything can actually play it or import it depends on the player's / editor's compatibility with broadcast T2 TS files. We are aware that some versions of VLC can't hack it, use Splash Player Lite to confirm that the transferred file is intact and decrypted. After that, it's a different problem.

We have, as far as I know, never found an instance where, if the instructions are followed to the letter, the recording fails to decrypt.
Both files after using Video redo will play Audio & Video in VLC, WMP & MPC

I don't have splash player, as they now play do you still want me to download splash player?

Both files have no audio when imported into Vegas.
The point is that they should be playable without reprocessing. If you are happy then there is no need to do anything, but demonstrating that the downloaded files play as they are (Splash Player Lite is free) then proves the problem is with the other software and not the recordings per se.