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[custom-portal] Custom TV Portal


Well-Known Member
The Custom TV Portal is now available.
This mod can only be used with the latest Custom Firmware v1.12 onwards for both the HD & HDR models.

What does this do?
This modification changes the homepage the TV Portal loads.
You can still access the Humax TV Portal and everything still works as before.
This lets us add in a selection screen before the Humax TV Portal, so that we can add in extras.

This Custom Portal features a few as yet unreleased apps that feature on humaxtvportal.com but do not appear on on our box. These apps could stop working at anytime if Humax pulls the plug or blocks them, but for the time being, enjoy ;).

There are also Test page links so that if you want to have a go at writing either a custom app, or a web page that can work with the remote, you can start here.
All the test pages are located in mod/var/mongoose/html/portal/ called test1.jim & test2.jim

Feb 2012 Update: There is a new custom portal plugin (link) in development !
I have had no time to devote to the custom portal for a while now due to real life sucking up my time, so if you would like to take over development, let me know!


Humax TV Portal (iPlayer etc)

Our Portal (Unofficial/Custom apps/links) - featuring:
- Sky Player (as yet unreleased by Humax)
- Twitter (as yet unreleased by Humax)
- Picasa (as yet unreleased by Humax)
- Teletext Holidays (as yet unreleased by Humax) (now released)

Settings - Work in progress - featuring:
- Basic System Information (Portal version, webif version etc)
- Link to Web Interface (webif) - Does not currently work with the remote.


A big thank you to af123 for helping out :)
We are not done yet and there are plenty of things to look at, improve and get our heads around.

If you write an App or custom page that you want to be included in future versions of this mod, send me a message or reply in this thread.
Ideas for budding app writers:

iPlayer using the PS3 User Agent,
YouTube using the leanback theme,
ITV Player (there is an iPhone/iPad version which will use mp4 video streams),
4OD Player (there is an iPhone/iPad version which will use mp4 video streams),
5OnDemand Player,
Revision3 Video Player (mp4 video streams available),
a Twitter app that keeps TV fullscreen (think Question Time with live tweets)

Maybe this is a way round my portal problem!

[Update: my portal problem turned out to be an inability to negotiate with the Humax portal server due to incorrect system time on my HD-FOX... due to it not having an aerial connected. Full story HERE (click).]
v1.00 of the Custom TV Portal is now available on the repo.
This mod can only be used with the latest Custom Firmware v1.12 onwards from af123.
This works on both the HD & HDR models.

What does this do?
This modification changes the page the TV Portal loads.
You can still access the Humax TV Portal and everything still works.
This lets us add in a selection screen before the Humax TV Portal, so that we can add in extras.

This first version features a few as yet unreleased apps that feature on humaxtvportal.com but do not appear on on our box. These apps could stop working at anytime if Humax pulls the plug or blocks them, but for the time being, enjoy ;).

There are also Test page links so that if you want to have a bash at writing either a custom app for everyone to use, or a web page that can work with the remote, you can start here.
All the test pages are located in /mod/portal/.

There is also a link to a Settings page that is still a bit of a work in progress.
At the moment, you can view the webif page, but it does not currently work with the remote.
While we have not been able to get the webif working with the remote yet, while on the Settings page, you can press Red to refresh & update all currently installed packages :).

Access to normal Humax TV Portal (iPlayer etc)
Access to Our Portal - Unofficial/Custom apps/links.
Access to Settings - Work in progress

A big thanks to af123 for getting to package updater working :)
We are not done yet and there are plenty of things to look at, improve and get our heads around.

While we get to work on this, if you write an App or custom page that you want to be included in future versions of this mod, send me a message.
Ideas for budding app writers: Revision3 videos, a Twitter app that keeps TV fullscreen..

PS. Teletext Holidays app does not show video and will mute the channel you are currently viewing. To reset it, you need to exit the portal and change channel.

Hi, I have installed this (using Custom Firmware 1.12) on a HDR and I still just get the normal portal page when I press the TV Portal button, no sign of the custom portal at all. Any ideas?
@hummyowner, reboot your box. You must have opened the portal since you last booted the box.
@Trajet, hummypkg.org. The only repo we have. Update through the webif.
Brilliant work Chris, can't wait to see where this leads. Can't get Twitter working on my HDR, though, just sits there "Loading" forever. The other things work, though, including Teletext which doesn't need the channel changing after using it - I can get back into the portal OK.
@hummyowner do you have custom firmware 1.12 installed?
Reboot again, do not load the portal, install the custom portal, and then try it.

@Rich_A Strange, twitter works fine here for me. Maybe give it another go after a reboot.
@hummyowner do you have custom firmware 1.12 installed?
Reboot again, do not load the portal, install the custom portal, and then try it.

@Rich_A Strange, twitter works fine here for me. Maybe give it another go after a reboot.

Hi, Yes 1.12 is installed. Tried all that you suggested but still no custom portal.
For the uninitiated: "repo" = "repository" (Linux-speak for the software download library). This is accessible via the software update page on the web interface, but you will need to turn on developer/advanced mode in the settings to have the full listing.

I feel an addition to the Glossary coming on.
but you will need to turn on developer/advanced mode in the settings to have the full listing

I've updated the package list so that this appears in the standard list without having to enable developer/advanced mode.