I've patched the epg so when I search for say films it only shows the first occurrence, only does it when I select a type eg films/drama. Great for figuring out what to record during the following week. I can select the film and the pop-up appears giving details, and if there's more than one occurrence I can press the CRID and see the alternative times.
In proc proc get_data {} of /mod/webif/cgi-bin/epg/search.jim
I just remember the files listed so far:
Then around the remaining code I add :
Now I can quickly see any new films without having duplicates...
In proc proc get_data {} of /mod/webif/cgi-bin/epg/search.jim
I just remember the files listed so far:
set d 1
if {$ct > 0 } {
set film [$record get name]
if {![dict exists $films $film ]} {
set films($film) 0
} else {
set d 0
Then around the remaining code I add :
if {$d == 1} {
$record get_channel_info
. . .
Now I can quickly see any new films without having duplicates...