The primary purpose, when responding to a request for help from any member, is to provide said help, not to question the response of anyone who is, to the best of their knowledge, providing that help. Unless, of course, the advice given is obviously incorrect. Terminology is unimportant unless it leads to ambiguity in which case, a correction would then be acceptable. Questioning, or commenting on someone's use of a particular terminology has no bearing whatsoever on the primary purpose of providing help to the OP, and can only be interpreted as mischief making. In the past, I have myself, had differences with BH regarding his somewhat unusual choices of terminology, but have agreed that as long as this does not lead to any confusion then it does not deserve any further comment or criticism within the thread. As BH has already requested, if you must be pedantic about such like, then do it in the Hummy Arms instead of deliberately taking threads off topic with such irrelevance.