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Does the BBC News at Six O'clock usually run over by more than two minutes!


New Member
Several times, even more often than not, this happens and the Six O'clock News runs over into the following program (South Today), which then starts late.

The programme (which I record every day) starts on time with the blue half moon and then Sophie Raworth (often) and it shows that it is going to run for 30 minutes, but the 30 minutes are often up before the weather forecast. This means that the programme is fairly consistently more than 30 minutes by at least 2 minutes.

This cannot be correct - and similar timing errors occur on several other programmes too. The time on the clock in Settings is correct but many recordings are cut off early. I have added 10 minutes to the finish times in Settings to try to fix this, but it is only a partial fix because when the a following programme starts at the correct time it has the end of the previous programme recorded at its start. Which would appear to mean that LOTS of programmes are running late.

Has anyone else experienced this?

It is correct. The schedule doesn't run to the second or even the minute. The granularity on most channels is 5 minutes. Here's the data for the 18:30 programmes for the last 6 weeks or so (times are UTC):
10/07 17:31:43
10/08 17:32:51
10/09 17:32:16
10/10 17:32:31
10/11 17:31:50
10/14 17:32:05
10/15 17:32:46
10/16 17:31:33
10/17 17:30:49
10/18 17:31:21
10/21 17:31:42
10/22 17:32:22
10/23 17:32:00
10/24 17:31:32
10/25 17:31:30
10/28 18:31:00
10/29 18:32:08
10/30 18:32:48
10/31 18:31:26
11/01 18:32:33
11/04 18:32:46
11/05 18:32:49
11/06 18:41:00 (Short programme due to US Election results)
11/07 18:31:52
11/08 18:32:10
11/11 18:31:37
11/12 18:31:23
11/13 18:32:00
11/14 18:32:49
11/15 18:31:37
11/18 18:31:38
11/19 18:32:03
11/20 18:32:20

You should use Accurate Record functionality rather than fixed timers, which (in most cases) should track the actual broadcast times as above.
I have used the automatic settings for recording start/stop for several years and very rarely have had any issues.

I would suggest that you do not use fixed padding as it will inevitably cause problems, as you are finding.

I even have a string of 4 consecutive programmes on BBC2 every Monday at the moment and the recordings consistently start at the actual beginning of the programmes, regardless of the actual time.
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