I've been reading various posts about .ts editing and authoring with interest. I see there's a lot of love for VideoReDo in terms of editing and authoring. Having played with a trial copy of the TV Suite for a short while, I think it's great.
However, as you can see from this thread on the VideoReDo forum, I've discovered that it doesn't do all that I'd like it to.
Basically I'd like to take multiple titles (in my case episodes of Peppa Pig recorded from Channel 5 - for my 2 year old, I might add!), trim the padding off, and burn them to a DVD. On the DVD, I'd like a simple menu system (not that bothered about animated thumbnails and all that kind of jazz) that gives me the option of either selecting an individual episode (after which it returns to the main menu) or selecting "play all" (so all titles are played in sequence, after which it returns to the main menu). It seems VideoReDo can only do one or the other, not both at the same time.
Does anyone know of any alternatives that can do this (other than DVD Lab Pro, which someone suggested on the VideoReDo forum - I don't have $250 to burn on software!)?
I see that ConvertXtoDVD ($50) might just do the trick, so I'm playing with a trial version at the moment. It looks quite invovled (the manual is 300 pages!).
The only downside I can see to ConvertXtoDVD is that it doesn't have any video editing software for trimming the episodes down. I'd rather not pay for VideoReDo purely for the editing, so I'm trying out Freemake for that at the moment (not particularly successful so far - it ground to a halt when I moved the slider bar to the end of the episode - but it's early days). It's a shame that HDTVtoMPEG2 only handles HD files, as that looks good for editing, too (and allows you to save it back to .ts, whereas Freemake does not).
Any further thoughts or suggestions for DVD authoring?
I've been reading various posts about .ts editing and authoring with interest. I see there's a lot of love for VideoReDo in terms of editing and authoring. Having played with a trial copy of the TV Suite for a short while, I think it's great.
However, as you can see from this thread on the VideoReDo forum, I've discovered that it doesn't do all that I'd like it to.
Basically I'd like to take multiple titles (in my case episodes of Peppa Pig recorded from Channel 5 - for my 2 year old, I might add!), trim the padding off, and burn them to a DVD. On the DVD, I'd like a simple menu system (not that bothered about animated thumbnails and all that kind of jazz) that gives me the option of either selecting an individual episode (after which it returns to the main menu) or selecting "play all" (so all titles are played in sequence, after which it returns to the main menu). It seems VideoReDo can only do one or the other, not both at the same time.
Does anyone know of any alternatives that can do this (other than DVD Lab Pro, which someone suggested on the VideoReDo forum - I don't have $250 to burn on software!)?
I see that ConvertXtoDVD ($50) might just do the trick, so I'm playing with a trial version at the moment. It looks quite invovled (the manual is 300 pages!).
The only downside I can see to ConvertXtoDVD is that it doesn't have any video editing software for trimming the episodes down. I'd rather not pay for VideoReDo purely for the editing, so I'm trying out Freemake for that at the moment (not particularly successful so far - it ground to a halt when I moved the slider bar to the end of the episode - but it's early days). It's a shame that HDTVtoMPEG2 only handles HD files, as that looks good for editing, too (and allows you to save it back to .ts, whereas Freemake does not).
Any further thoughts or suggestions for DVD authoring?