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Editing the Skip Back Time


I know you can edit the skip forward time in the system menu and have several choices but you only seem to have one 'skip back' or as it should be called 'Instant Replay Time' option of 7* seconds. With help, I have found out how to edit this and just wanted to share that info. As always, be warned about editing databases and what damage you can do! I am not a pro at this, a newbie I fact, but found this info handy. Note that you will need to be running CF and have some default packages installing such as sqlite3.

* I am advised that there are other settings too, 7, 15 and 30 seconds but I don't seem to have those options on my device, yours may have.

Edit the Skip Time on Humax HDR Fox T2
  1. From a device, eg Windows, run a DOS 'CMD' Prompt (in Windows, hold Ctrl and R, type in CMD and press enter)
  2. Type telnet and press enter, you should see the 'Microsoft Telnet' prompt
  3. Type o <IPAddress> and press enter. <IPAddress> is the IP of your Humax box, note that is a o not a zero and there is a space after it. (o = open).
  4. Enter your system PIN, the default is 0000 but you may have changed yours.
  5. Type cli and press enter, this will put you in the Command Line on the Humax box and you should see a 'humax#' prompt now
  6. Type: sqlite3 /var/lib/humaxtv/setup.db "select itemValue from tbl_menuconfig where itemName='INSTANT_REPLAY';" and this will show the CURRENT value, ie 7 if default
  7. Type: sqlite3 /var/lib/humaxtv/setup.db "update tbl_menuconfig set itemValue=X where itemName='INSTANT_REPLAY';" where X is your chosen skip value in seconds.
  8. Type the same again as in Line 6 to confirm your value has been saved.
  9. Type exit to come out of the cli
  10. Type x to come out of telnet
Note that if you go into system setting to 'check' the value, as 7 seconds seems to be the default, that get written back and so this custom tweak gets lost and you need to re-apply it. I am sure there is someone who can edit the defaults default value or create a bat file or package that runs on boot up to set this value each time.

That's it. Thanks to prpr for his input!
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I know you can edit the skip forward time in the system menu and have several choices but you only seem to have one 'skip back' option of 7 seconds.
No that is wrong. "Instant replay time" to give its correct name, has three possible settings as standard 7s, 15s or 30s.
No that is wrong. "Instant replay time" to give its correct name, has three possible settings as standard 7s, 15s or 30s.

Just checked mine again and I do only have the one option/setting of 7 seconds. It would be great if these values could be chosen from the settings menu and so edited as default choices in the system. I'm sure it's possible... Cheers
Menu >> Settings >> Preferences >> Recording >> Instant Replay Time >> 7 sec | 15 sec | 30 sec

I have mine set for 15 seconds, and the skip forward time to 120 seconds. Very useful for going two forward and tweaking back to skip adverts.

If you don't have those options, buggering about with the config database might have upset it.
A couple of points of order:
  1. When using numbered bullets in a post, you will find the formatting is much nicer if you actually use the numbered bullets tool in the post editor;

  2. It is etiquette to include a link to the post where you got your information from (assuming you are not the originator).
Hi, is it possible to customise the skip times? I would like to edit the skip back time to say 3 seconds.
Probably. They are settings in a database like lots of others, so could well be customisable.
I take it you are running the CF?

Something like this would appear to do for 'backwards'. Both Get and Set versions shown:
humax# sqlite3 /var/lib/humaxtv/setup.db "select itemValue from tbl_menuconfig where itemName='INSTANT_REPLAY';"
humax# sqlite3 /var/lib/humaxtv/setup.db "update tbl_menuconfig set itemValue=3 where itemName='INSTANT_REPLAY';"
The other itemName for 'forwards' is called 'SKIP_FORWARD'.

For more information, see Newbies' Guide to the Forum (click)
  • A couple of points of order:
    1. When using numbered bullets in a post, you will find the formatting is much nicer if you actually use the numbered bullets tool in the post editor;
    1. For goodness sake BH, get off the poor lad's back before he takes you to some Government commission or another to sue you for something or other.:roflmao:
      [*]It is etiquette to include a link to the post where you got your information from (assuming you are not the originator).
      If you can find it or be arsed to.:laugh:
A couple of points of order:
  1. When using numbered bullets in a post, you will find the formatting is much nicer if you actually use the numbered bullets tool in the post editor;

  2. It is etiquette to include a link to the post where you got your information from (assuming you are not the originator).

For more information, see Newbies' Guide to the Forum (click)

I did mention prpr in the post at the end, no other link, code, snippet, assistance was gleaned from the site and so I can't post a link for you. The rest of the content was, yes it may surprise you, was created by me :) Hope someone finds it helpful.

p.s. have now edited the post and made it pretty with formatted bulleted numbers :)
Another way of doing this which may be easier for some is to install the poweron-channel package (I know, it now does more than when it was named!).

Then you can put configuration overrides into the /mod/boot/pox file. For example:


and they will be applied on the next (and every subsequent) reboot.

* The configuration file appears in the quick edit list on the web interface file editor screen.
I did mention prpr in the post at the end, no other link, code, snippet, assistance was gleaned from the site and so I can't post a link for you.
I gave the example of what was required in post 5 - ie a quote including a link to the post in which prpr provided the meat. Your contribution was to spoon-feed that meat.

You're not going to get on very well around here by assuming too much credit, especially when all the tools you used to achieve the effect were provided by af123!
For goodness sake BH, get off the poor lad's back before he takes you to some Government commission or another to sue you for something or other.:roflmao:
No. He's far to cocky for a newbie, and seems to be disregarding the years of effort that have gone before.

If you can find it or be arsed to.:laugh:
It was his thread, so he bloody well ought to!