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EPG Search Finds items in the past

Ezra Pound

Well-Known Member
I have recently done some EPG searches on both Web-If and RS, The RS searches find programme matches in the week ahead, But the same search using Web-If finds the same matches PLUS several entries dated between 22nd Sept and the 27th Sept. e.g. 2 Months ago, Has anyone else seen this?
Is it still doing it? I did a number of searches last evening and couldn't replicate it.

I even tried Time Team (they are good at finding things from the past :D) but no joy.

How long does the EPG remain in the cache?
Is it still doing it?

Yes, I seem to have a block of data in the EPG from 8th Sept. to 27th Sept. for some reason, I get 20th - 27th for a Live EPG search and 8th - 27th for a Keyword search >> Send Test Email, But non of the 'past' dates appear in the RS version
The RS EPG is being refreshed from a separate source, it seems, and doesn't reflect what is on your box.

If I look at the regional programme on BBC 1 at 6:30 on the RS EPG it says 'Look North from Yorkshire' I should be seeing Look East. It makes no difference to my box as it will record Look East from the time slot.

There may be other programme variations that we are unaware off. How would you know unless you recorded something different to what you thought you had chosen?
Not sure if AF123 ever changed it but in the early days the RS EPG was from his box so it showed his regional stuff when you booked things. But the clever bit is that when the items get sync'd over they switch over to the right regional flavour :)
I was pointing out why Ezra was seeing different results from Webif EPG searches as opposed to RS ones.
The programme 'Inside out' has regional differences. According to my Radio Times, London/Anglia/Midlands there are five. Yorkshire's is different to all five!
I know the version I will get will be from my transmitter, but I were away from home using RS the programme description would be wrong.
Whether Yorkshires programmes differ in other ways I can't tell without buy RT's from other regions.
I am sure I have seen instances where different films are broadcast in the same time slot.

I don't see a way of making it 'one size fits all' so just be aware.
On the medium term plan for RS is to have subscribers' boxes donate regional EPG information. At the moment it is just Yorkshire but as oijonesey says it has a number of conflict resolution steps that should result in the correct local programme being recorded. It isn't ideal and does need improving at some point.

The RS EPG also has a deliberate constraint that it won't show details from the past, even though the data may contain those details.

Back to the issue, there are two EPG sources on the box, one which is the file that the Humax software creates and another which is a database generated by the webif based on that data. I'll post some diagnostic commands here later to see where these old data are coming from.
Ok, can you update the epg package to the latest version (1.0.8) and run it with an argument of first and last.

humax# epg first
humax# epg last

That will report the timestamps of the earliest and latest records in the Humax-software-maintained EPG database. Depending on the results of that, we can do some more digging.
For comparison, mine are:

humax# epg first; epg last

which translate as:

humax# perl -e 'print scalar localtime(1322611200) . "\n";'
Wed Nov 30 00:00:00 2011
humax# perl -e 'print scalar localtime(1323302220) . "\n";'
Wed Dec  7 23:57:00 2011

Exactly what I would expect.
Done, I presume this is what I used to call 'Sun' Time e.g. seconds since some date in 1970

humax# epg first
humax# epg last

EDIT: Have just tried the perl command but 'DOH' I haddn't installed perl, It does help

EDIT2: I cheated (found an online Unix time translator) :-

Mon, 01 Aug 2011 00:00:00 GMT

Wed, 07 Dec 2011 23:57:00 GMT
It's seconds since 1/1/1970 00:00 - known as unix time or epoch seconds (that date/time being the unix clock epoch)

Your database has entries going back to the start of August - that's all down to the standard Humax software though, the custom software just reads from that file.
I've just removed the local EPG database from my HDR's disk to see what happens - I expect it to be regenerated within 15 minutes.
Yes, it came back - I'd try removing yours, waiting until it comes back then see if the start date becomes more current. It's /mnt/hd1/dvbepg/epg.dat
Be that as it may, the custom WebIF EPG needs to take it into account (not trying to teach you to suck eggs) and avoid displaying old data.
Yes, it came back - I'd try removing yours, waiting until it comes back then see if the start date becomes more current. It's /mnt/hd1/dvbepg/epg.dat

How are you removing the EPG database? I am probably doing the wrong thing, but just entering the command above returns this :-
humax# /mnt/hd1/dvbepg/epg.dat
-/bin/sh: /mnt/hd1/dvbepg/epg.dat: Permission denied

EDIT:- Sorry I'm being a bit slow, I presume you meant this :-

humax# cd /mnt/hd1/dvbepg
humax# pwd
humax# ls -al
drwxr-xr-x    2 root    root          4096 Nov 30 22:28 .
drwxr-xr-x    3 root    root          4096 Nov 30 22:17 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 root    root      6265352 Nov 30 22:28 epg.dat
humax# rm epg.dat
humax# ls -al
drwxr-xr-x    2 root    root          4096 Nov 30 22:28 .
drwxr-xr-x    3 root    root          4096 Nov 30 22:17 ..