Well, both my programmes on BBC4 HD were recorded properly, but although I was using auto-padding the repeat of Byzantium 2 doesn't have the padding (I haven't watched it yet, but the length is reported as 60 min rather than 71 min); the other programme (Hidden Killers), earlier that evening, did have the auto-padding.
I don't understand why the situation is inconsistent: some people report successful recordings from BBC4 HD always, some never, and some sometimes (quite apart from BBC3 HD).
Incidentally, re sidecar files, .nts etc.: are these accessible only with the CF? I'm not by any means a technophobe, but I want to use my Humax box to watch programmes and not for geeky purposes (although I am not uninterested in the technicalities), so I have stuck to the official firmware - so far, at least.
(HDR Fox-T2, v. 1.02.28, Crystal Palace)