I don't need to give it a try.
Any situation where a system issues a command but cannot verify the command has taken effect is "blind" - it may well be successful 99.9% of the time, but that is by fortune not design. By coincidence, this is one of my complaints of the X10 home automation system - one can command the lights in another room to turn off (or whatever), but there is no status response to confirm the command was received and acted on unless you physically go and check (negating the need for remote control, and making a mockery of any pre-programmed series of actions).
It's like a friend of mine who I collect in the car: "ring my phone once and I'll come down from the flat" - when I dial through on my mobile, I hear the ringing tone generated by the system but how do I know when the phone in the house has started ringing and I can release my end? If the phone in the house does start ringing and I cancel it, how do I know my friend has heard it? "Never mind saving a few pence on the call - answer the phone before you come out so I know you've heard it" (in engineering terms: complete the handshake).