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[FlexView ] A flexible way to manage your recordings

Looks nice, but just noticed this...
Having found a file, I can OPT+ Detect Advert. This takes me to the Detect Adverts page, where I can select Run Analysis in Background. Now I have to choices; Back to Media Browser (which isn't the Flexview browser) or use the back button, which does take me back to Flexview, but at the root level. Obviously what I would like to do is go back to Flexview as I left it.
Looks nice, but just noticed this...
Having found a file, I can OPT+ Detect Advert. This takes me to the Detect Adverts page, where I can select Run Analysis in Background. Now I have to choices; Back to Media Browser (which isn't the Flexview browser) or use the back button, which does take me back to Flexview, but at the root level. Obviously what I would like to do is go back to Flexview as I left it.
A slightly delayed response :(

If the back buttons don't take you back to FlexView try deleting the lastmod cookies in your browser
FlexView 0.1.1-2 is now available

This adds the new 'Queue for..' and 'View Queue' buttons and other changes to support recent changes in the webif.
Can this view folders above MyVideo, ie. my external usb drive on "/ media /drive1" ? I can't see a way of going there in the flexview interface.
Can this view folders above MyVideo, ie. my external usb drive on "/ media /drive1" ? I can't see a way of going there in the flexview interface.
I guess not.

There is a potential work-around in the form of the mvdisks package, which can be used to make an external USB drive* appear as a folder under My Video. However, there may be undesirable side-effects (which I don't recall having been confirmed or refuted):
  • Mounting external storage into My Video might corrupt free space calculations and thus affect recording to a nearly-full HDD, and/or the on-screen and WebIF disk utilisation pie chart;

  • The shutdown process might be extended due to the external storage being scanned for candidates for thumbnail generation;

  • The external storage might be exposed to the DLNA indexer, with unknown consequences;

  • The user is at risk of accidentally deleting USB storage, not realising the content is not on the local HDD.
* Or, indeed, virtual USB drives created by virtual-disk2 or network-shares-automount, although the latter has a built-in means to mount under My Video (with the same risks of side-effects). The side-effects are likely to have more serious consequences when the mount is large networked storage.
I guess not.

There is a potential work-around in the form of the mvdisks package, which can be used to make an external USB drive* appear as a folder under My Video. However, there may be undesirable side-effects (which I don't recall having been confirmed or refuted):
  • Mounting external storage into My Video might corrupt free space calculations and thus affect recording to a nearly-full HDD, and/or the on-screen and WebIF disk utilisation pie chart;

  • The shutdown process might be extended due to the external storage being scanned for candidates for thumbnail generation;

  • The external storage might be exposed to the DLNA indexer, with unknown consequences;

  • The user is at risk of accidentally deleting USB storage, not realising the content is not on the local HDD.
* Or, indeed, virtual USB drives created by virtual-disk2 or network-shares-automount, although the latter has a built-in means to mount under My Video (with the same risks of side-effects). The side-effects are likely to have more serious consequences when the mount is large networked storage.
Thansks. So if the usual "browse media files" can do it ...

Web capture_26-4-2022_94943_10.42.0.109.jpeg

... then Flexview should be able to do it without having to add problematic packages. It's based on javascript right ? I just need to look at it's package and make a few edits.
It's based on javascript right ?
No, Jim (which is a light-weight version of Tcl). Same difference. Preserve the original files, then when you come up with something useful you can post the diffs for review and possible incorporation into the release.

without having to add problematic packages
I, for one, would like to know how "problematic" mvdisks actually is.
OK, I possibly have something. It looks like the Flexview root directory needs changing ...

Editing /mod/webif/plugin/flexview/index.jim

See the top two "set" commands ...

Jim Code:
     package require cgi
source /mod/webif/lib/setup
require ts.class pretty_size system.class settings.class escape browse.class \
    plugin epg.class classdump

set mroot [system mediaroot]
set dir [cgi_get topdir $mroot]
set model [system model]
set dustbin [system dustbin 1]
set nicesplice [system pkginst nicesplice]
set settings [settings]
set curconfig [$settings _tval_setting "fvConfig"]
set curconfig [cgi_get config $curconfig]
if {$curconfig == 0} {set curconfig "default"}

So "mroot" needs setting to "/media" ( Humax/browse/?dir=/media )which would give access to both "drive1" and "My Video".

Looking at development docs now but you're probably more familiar with this than me :)

EDIT: Got it ! Changed "set dir" line to "set dir [cgi_get topdir /media]" and now I can access both my USB drive and My Video. Suits for my purposes but for a release it probably needs a drop down list to set the root through the Flexview GUI.
Last edited:
Apologies for not responding previously

You can specify the starting directory using the topdir option on the URL e.g. http://humax/plugin/flexview/?topdir=/media/My Photo
but the default value is mediaroot since that is what most users would want to see and it is slow to load /media - around 36 seconds on my system which is too slow for an initial page load.
Apologies for not responding previously

You can specify the starting directory using the topdir option on the URL e.g. http://humax/plugin/flexview/?topdir=/media/My Photo
but the default value is mediaroot since that is what most users would want to see and it is slow to load /media - around 36 seconds on my system which is too slow for an initial page load.
Oh great. Is that accessable somewhere in the interface ?
Well a full nine years later! I have finally uploaded version 1.2 of Flexview

It is basically just bug fixes correcting faults that have developed because it hasn't kept up with changes to Browse over the years.
There are still mores changes needed to make it more resilient to recordings with odd characters in the names, to make it faster an more useful but I wanted to get some updates out before more years slip by.

The major enhancement is that Filtering is now dynamic, as soon as you start typing into the search boxes the display will react to only show matching entries

Fixes include:
  • Play works again
  • File selection for Copy/Cut/Delete/Join/Queue works again
  • Recording duration off by one hour fixed
  • Channel icons display correctly (thanks prpr)
  • DLNA not shown if content share off (thanks prpr)
  • Correct DLNA url shown
  • Lazy loading of thumbnail images
Thanks for the update.
I'll be interested to see if it fixes the long-standing issue whereby if I select a subfolder with many recordings in it, it never manages to populate the folder pane.
Thanks for the update.
I'll be interested to see if it fixes the long-standing issue whereby if I select a subfolder with many recordings in it, it never manages to populate the folder pane.
Nothing specific to improve speed in this version, How many recordings are we talking about?
Do you get a message in flexview.log when attempting to load the large folder and/or any messages in the browser console log?

I'm looking at lazy loading folder sizes (which Browse does) because it is relatively slow to calculate. I'm also try to improve page reload time when returning to Flexview after invoking an OPT+ function.