I have found what I regard as a significant defect in this version of Xenforo (and might have been present in previous versions):
If a line begins with a
single space, opening a post for editing while in WYSIWYG mode removes it. If you don't notice this and replace it, and have a code section containing such a thing, it disappears.
This line is not indented
This line is indented with one space
This line is indented with two spaces
This line is indented with three spaces and contains three spaces
The reason this is a significant defect is that code sections are meant to preserve formatting necessary for readability of listings.
This is a copy of the original code section, pasted in on edit (therefore preserving formatting):
This line is not indented
This line is indented with one space
This line is indented with two spaces
This line is indented with three spaces and contains three spaces
This is the same text unprotected by code tags (which will be collapsed in presentation whether you like it or not), but the spaces are still there in the post data:
This line is not indented
This line is indented with one space
This line is indented with two spaces
This line is indented with three spaces and contains three spaces
I have also been aware for a long time that opening a post for edit destroys fine-tuned paragraph spacing by removing blank lines in some circumstances (usually to do with the end of a list, I think). That's why I have marked the occasional carefully-presented post "do not open for editing in WYSIWYG mode".
Switching to BB-Code editing (click the brackets icon in the reply post editor) before opening the post for edit removes the problem, but if you switch back to WYSIWYG
while editing, the problem recurs.
Perhaps this should be reported on the Xenforo users forum.
Update: I have also discovered a space disappearing after an italicised section, but the circumstances seem very specific and I have not been able to pin it down.