Forum topics


New Member
Forum topics

Michael, Well done on setting this up - hopefully it will grow to be a worthy replacement for
Would it be possible to add separate folders for the HDR FoxT2 and HD Fox T2 as these seem to be the "hot topics" especially with the portal being imminent and the ongoing sound/hdmi issues. Hopefully this would allow easier searching for these in future. IIRC had these as separate topics.
Re: Forum topics

Aha - I refresh the front page and find you've now done it.

Well done.

You have of course now set a precedent and we'll expect all improvements to be done within 20s
Forum topics

I've added those two. If someone wants to suggest a better way to organise things then I'll gladly change things.

Forum topics

Hah. I'm actually in bed on my iPhone, sad I know. I've enabled tapatalk for this forum for iphone users. It's a 59p app that allows a user to browse forums on their iPhone in a nice way.

Any other changes or anything just ask.. I need to sort out some moderators also...

Re: Forum topics

Michael said:
I need to sort out some moderators also...

This may be a silly question but what does a moderator need to do.

And please don't say moderate.
Re: Forum topics

needs to be able to have spare time to check posts and make sure all is well on the site and to keep topics clean
Forum topics

A moderator would be expected to delete unwanted posts I.e. Spam/adverts.. Respond to forum reports I.e. When a user reports a post or private post.. Etc :)
Forum topics

Yup. Will sort things out tomorrow. G'night :)
Re: Forum topics

gathercole77 said:
needs to be able to have spare time to check posts and make sure all is well on the site and to keep topics clean

I could do some but I would be liable to only visit a few topics as given the amount of posts there were on you'd need a lot of time to cover everything. I guess you need a lot of moderators.

(This post is a sly attempt to keep me at the top of the most posts list :) )
Re: Forum topics

Well done on setting this site up, glad to be a member :D
Re: Forum topics

Well done on the new site. Have been following the discussion on Digital Spy for a couple of months hoping that hummy would burst back to life. Alas, it would seem not so this site is a great idea and much appreciated. :D
Re: Forum topics

Quick question regarding protocol. I have a copy of Barry's excellent posting (from Hummy-org) about multifunction remote controls for the Freesat and Freeview boxes. Can I post it with an appropriate acknowledgement as to source ?
Forum topics

Yes that will be fine that would also be helpful we could maybe make that a sticky post
Re: Forum topics

Thank you Michael and good luck with the site , and Happy New Year to all on the forum :cool:
I'm posting in this old topic because some of my comments seem to have been accidentally or deliberately misunderstood in other quarters (and the topic in question has been closed).

The forum has developed significantly since it was first set up, and I am involved in other forums at various levels of responsibility, so the subject of governance is of considerable interest (and concern). To liken it to a country, because there is one person responsible for the forum on the wider Internet, there is a single head-of-state who is not there by any democratic process other than whether the forum gathers users or loses them. This is a given.

The question then is whether the head-of-state is the monarch of a constitutional republic, or the head of a dictatorship. The forum is beyond the point where this question is irrelevant.

It is not meant to be a personal dig at talos, but what, for example, makes talos a super-moderator? Just because he asked for it (as per further up this topic)? Should we not have some kind of appointment by merit system?

As has been implied, I do have a disagreement with a moderator decision (there would be no point denying it, or avoiding it). But that was only the spark which lead to a wider enquiry. If one has a disagreement in a democratic organisation, there are defined processes to resolve it. With this many users, is ripe for constitutional republicanism.
Who cares? Forums succeed or fail largely by the acceptance of its users of the way they are run. Go elsewhere if it is not to your liking and if you are right sufficient others will join you and move away too.