Thanks for replying, just thinking your broadband speed comment has got me thinking, when I purchased the 5000t and h3 together I still had my sky q and multi room box plugged in and both the fvp and h3 where working fine until I unplugged the the sky boxes as I thought the humax boxes would be a great cheaper alternative than sky. I remember the sky engineer when we first got the sky q boxes installed saying the more boxes you have the better WiFi you get as they will bounce from each other so I'm thinking maybe I need to invest in two boosters as we've noticed our mobile phones keep losing WiFi since we took the sky boxes out aswel so we were considering purchasing the boosters anyway. I'll keep you posted if this does the trick, fingers crossed it will as we have tried factory resets the lot and are still having the same results, it just seems funny it only happens between 5pm and 8pm every day and that's when our WiFi speed drops also on our mobile phones.