• The forum software that supports hummy.tv has been upgraded to XenForo 2.3!

    Please bear with us as we continue to tweak things, and feel free to post any questions, issues or suggestions in the upgrade thread.

Harmony 700

This is just a theory, what if the Remote control had more than 6 Modes or 'pages' that it can associate with the PVR function, six of which are programmed with Humax modes 1-6 and a seventh programmed with no codes at all, then 0 + OK followed by '7' would select a seventh page that contains no RC codes, so pressing the 'non-mode' buttons would do nothing and 0 + OK followed by '1' would select the 'working' page. If I could get my JP1 interface working for the RM-F04, it's contents could be examined
Don't know but I am pretty sure I never pressed 0+OK+7 at any time
I have sourced another remote but it is ADB 1.0 not MDB 1.3
Will this work with 0+OK ?

BTW what's a JP1

I have sourced another remote but it is ADB 1.0 not MDB 1.3
Will this work with 0+OK ?
An ADB 1.0 remote control should work fine, but may use the 4-digit remote codes for controlling other equipment, although I have an ADB 1.0 labelled remote that uses the 3-digit remote codes.
BTW what's a JP1
The Humax Remote controls, RM-F04, RM-F01 etc. use a common chip-set used in Universal Remote controls, the All-4-One range uses the same chip-set. These remotes can be programmed using a P.C. via an interface called JP1. This means the Humax remote could be programmed using a P.C. to control any piece of equipment, they can also be examined (read) via the same JP1 interface. HERE is a link to a JP1 forum
The Humax Remote controls, RM-F04, RM-F01 etc. use a common chip-set used in Universal Remote controls, the All-4-One range uses the same chip-set. These remotes can be programmed using a P.C. via an interface called JP1. This means the Humax remote could be programmed using a P.C. to control any piece of equipment, they can also be examined (read) via the same JP1 interface. HERE is a link to a JP1 forum

Never heard of this before very interesting like to learn something new
From what I Googled I got the impression there was a 6 pin connector involved
I don't see anything like that on the Humax RCU
So how do you connect ?

I don't see anything like that on the Humax RCU So how do you connect ?
Unfortunately (as af123 says) Humax haven't fitted the connector, I guess they programme it by connecting probes to the bare Printed Circuit Board before assembling the Remote, here is a picture (click for more detail) of the JP1 connector on my very cheap All-4-One 8350 (LINK), Note sometimes you will find 6 gold 'pads' or 6 holes in the shape of the connector when it isn't fitted

Hi Hands too old and shaky for soldering :)Thanks
There also the problem of where the equivalent solder connections would be made on the HDR/HD (RM-F04) printed Circuit Board, as the picture is of a RM-F01 remote used on the Humax Fox-Sat
Unfortunately (as af123 says) Humax haven't fitted the connector, I guess they programme it by connecting probes to the bare Printed Circuit Board before assembling the Remote, here is a picture (click for more detail) of the JP1 connector on my very cheap All-4-One 8350 (LINK), Note sometimes you will find 6 gold 'pads' or 6 holes in the shape of the connector when it isn't fitted

View attachment 675
Do all All-4-Ones come with the JP1 connector ?
I need to control 8 devices

And sorry another question where is the wishlist for the CF

I don't think that there is a "wishlist" thread in the customised firmware forum, perhaps you would like to start one.
I don't know for sure, but perhaps BH was suggesting, in a roundabout way, that the CF section of the forum would be a more appropriate area to start a Wish List?

It won't do any harm.

EDIT: Sorry Brian, our posts crossed.
The problem with a wish list is that discussion gets cross-threaded. What we have been doing is starting a topic for any particular feature with a title something like "Feature Request: xxx". Whatever the wish, there is a fair chance somebody has suggested it.
The problem with a wish list is that discussion gets cross-threaded. What we have been doing is starting a topic for any particular feature with a title something like "Feature Request: xxx". Whatever the wish, there is a fair chance somebody has suggested it.
I have just added one over there