HDR-FOX T2 DEAD (almost)

Peter Croucher

New Member
GE all. Thanks for letting me join this forum.
I have one of these boxes which appears to be dead.
Disconnected the HDD: same.
Checked voltages on the connector on the power supply panel.
12v and 5.8v (measures 6.4v) OK.
Checked ESR of all the electrolytics in the PSU: seems about right.
Also checked ESR of the SM 4.7uF on the main PCB: OK.
After careful inspection I noticed C3 in the PSU, next to the main smoothing block is a black
charred mess. It totally disintegrated when I tried to unsolder it. Value is totally unreadable, so can anyone help me with
the value and voltage of this component please. I suspect it was one of those blue, high voltage jobbies.
Many thanks,
Reading further: can anyone confirm it's 101k 1kV please?
Looks like that maybe for a different model, and I believe there are 2 versions of this model???
However, I'm not convinced this is causing my problem: No lights, no loop through......
I will have a look tomorrow to see if I have some in stock (from my TV servicing days).......
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