HDR-FOX T2 HDD Replacement

Thank you - as said, I'm an absolute novice at this! It appears we are on 1.03.12

I'm at a loss on firmware - the custom ones seem to relate to if you connect the Humax to the internet (sorry if I've misunderstood that), which we don't, so no need for anything releating to iPlayer.
The link I gave were the differences between the versions. Not what they can achieve. As you are already on 1.03.12 you can be assured that your issues are not due to your installed version of the firmware.
But as prpr stated, you are guessing at the cause of your issues, and installing a version of the 1.03.12 that includes the addition of the Custom Firmware would enable you to become more educated concerning what is really happening.
Firmware just feels too complex to me - I find dealing with anything like this very stressful, as I really do not understand the technological stuff, and connecting the HDR-FOX to a computer is absolutely beyond me.
So to me, just replacing the HDD seems far more straightforward, as it is a physical action I can understand (though I realise that probably sounds very stupid to most of you on here).
Sorry, I should have said that I already tried both restoring factory default, and reformating the disk.
The information you have been guided to walks you through fault finding and possible solutions, but if you don't want to avail yourself of that there's nothing any of us can do. It's just step by step.

The problem is you might spend out on a new HDD only to find that does not cure it.
The information you have been guided to walks you through fault finding and possible solutions, but if you don't want to avail yourself of that there's nothing any of us can do. It's just step by step.
Thank you.
I'm sure the step-by-step seems easy to most of you, but at the mention of "install the custom firmware and access the HDR-FOX from a computer using Telnet" I become stressed, because that sort of computer-related stuff is completely beyond me and just makes me panic that it will all go wrong and make things worse (I know that sounds stupid to those of you who fully understand these things, but I can't cope with even attempting something like that).
Thank you - as said, I'm an absolute novice at this! It appears we are on 1.03.12

I'm at a loss on firmware - the custom ones seem to relate to if you connect the Humax to the internet (sorry if I've misunderstood that), which we don't, so no need for anything releating to iPlayer.
I have already posted a little while ago that you have miss-understood.
Please re-read the previous posts.

As previously stated by prpr, and myself, the addition of the custom firmware will help you obtain some proper disk diagnostics, rather than just guessing.
I'm sure the step-by-step seems easy to most of you, but at the mention of "install the custom firmware and access the HDR-FOX from a computer using Telnet" I become stressed
So you keep saying, and I get that, I think we all get that. We're not saying you're stupid or anything like that.

What I can't understand is why you are even here asking for guidance. The process of changing a hard drive requires step-by-step discipline to follow instructions accurately, with just as much risk of getting something wrong. If you feel able to do that, then I suggest your fear of getting involved with firmware updates etc is unnecessary. You have already used menus to restore factory defaults etc, so you have already interacted with firmware to some extent, even if you didn't realise it.

"Install the custom firmware and access the HDR-FOX from a computer using Telnet" is a summary. You will be taken through all the individual steps along the way to achieve that. THE HARDEST PART of installing our custom firmware is finding a suitable UPD (USB pen drive / memory stick / whatever you want to call it). The rest is just following instructions, carefully. Nothing will break if you get something wrong, you just have to try again. On the other hand, getting involved with hardware does risk breaking something.

Surely you have people in your friendship group who could help?

You mentioned spindle speed in your original post. The problem with a higher spindle speed (apart from it being unnecessary) is noise and power consumption. More power = more heat, and therefore more noise from the fan as well as the disk. It will work, but it's not optimal.

But really, with your particular set of "circumstances", why are you not simply buying a new PVR?
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If you were one of my friends or relatives, I'll suggest you pass the task to someone else. You seem reluctant to install firmware, which is fair enough. But then you mention you're prepared to change the hard drive. I do not know your experience in that area, but there is the chance of getting an electric shock if you delve into the power supply, for example. You'll need follow guidelines in either case.
What I can't understand is why you are even here asking for guidance.
Quite. It all seems a bit weird doesn't it. A tecnophobe new poster, with an avatar like they have already set up, who can seemingly delve into innards of the machine but can't do the other stuff. Something doesn't add up. It rather sounds like something living under a bridge to me.
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If you were one of my friends or relatives, I'll suggest you pass the task to someone else. You seem reluctant to install firmware, which is fair enough. But then you mention you're prepared to change the hard drive. I do not know your experience in that area, but there is the chance of getting an electric shock if you delve into the power supply, for example. You'll need follow guidelines in either case.
I had actually come back on here to say I will be finding someone who understands these things to look at the firmware for us (probably a former colleague who specialised in IT).
I can follow instructions / guidelines, and am aware of risks, but have no wish to start dabbling in the computer-related requirements.
Surely you have people in your friendship group who could help?

But really, with your particular set of "circumstances", why are you not simply buying a new PVR?
1: No, I have 0 friends (life circumstances). We will be enquiring of someone from the IT department of where my mother used to work.
2. Because my only knowledge of PVRs is the Humax, and I don't like what I'm hearing about the Aura (plus we have no need for and do not want a Smart product).
So you keep saying, and I get that, I think we all get that. We're not saying you're stupid or anything like that.
Really? See below!
Quite. It all seems a bit weird doesn't it. A tecnophobe new poster, with an avatar like they have already set up, who can seemingly delve into innards of the machine but can't do the other stuff. Something doesn't add up. It rather sounds like something living under a bridge to me.
Thank you for the insult ("something" indeed).
Since I had to register to post anything on this site, I thought I'd do it properly and add an avatar - you know, BASIC use of the internet!

I came here because I want to keep using my HDR-FOX (which was recommended to me because, no, I do not know about PVRs & DVRs - again, technical stuff which has never interested me) for as long as possible, because we like it. When I looked online, this thread came up, so, having read the main part of it, I thought I'd ask for some clarification. There is no one else in my family to look into these things, so it falls to me to try to find answers.
I'm sorry I do not fit your idea of the sort of person who would be on here.

This is why I HATE these sort of forums, because out come the people who cannot understand those of us with no interest in 'computing-tech' / coding /etc.
The physical act of changing a piece of equipment is TOTALLY different - sorry if you can't grasp that.
Really? See below!

Thank you for the insult ("something" indeed).
Since I had to register to post anything on this site, I thought I'd do it properly and add an avatar - you know, BASIC use of the internet!

I came here because I want to keep using my HDR-FOX (which was recommended to me because, no, I do not know about PVRs & DVRs - again, technical stuff which has never interested me) for as long as possible, because we like it. When I looked online, this thread came up, so, having read the main part of it, I thought I'd ask for some clarification. There is no one else in my family to look into these things, so it falls to me to try to find answers.
I'm sorry I do not fit your idea of the sort of person who would be on here.

This is why I HATE these sort of forums, because out come the people who cannot understand those of us with no interest in 'computing-tech' / coding /etc.
The physical act of changing a piece of equipment is TOTALLY different - sorry if you can't grasp that.
Good for you to have courage to say that.

This little dullard has a particularly nasty streak. see

Because he's one of the gurus here he's forgiven a lot.


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This little dullard has a particularly nasty streak
More personal abuse from you I see sine24. You're so dumb you couldn't even wait a day between changing your username.

If you all want to get on with it that's fine with me. I'll leave it to you and the Foxtrot204 and the Trog leaches.
This is why I HATE these sort of forums, because out come the people who cannot understand those of us with no interest in 'computing-tech' / coding /etc.
Yes, well, I'm sorry but you're trying even my (little) patience. If you have no interest in "computing-tech", then you are just a consumer and need to stick to consumer-level solutions, ie: it's broken, buy a new one. A consumer has to just accept whatever is currently available on the market. The Aura is a PVR. It works as a PVR. If you pine for the HDR-FOX, there are still good used ones available on eBay... but that's like buying an old Vauxhall Astra because you don't like the bells and whistles on a modern car (for the record: I don't). Keeping an old Astra running is an enthusiasts game, you would need to get your hands dirty, but you're not an enthusiast.

prpr has his outbursts of exasperation, and so do I. We're prepared to be plain spoken when the rest of the world seems to think everything should revolve around them and their sensitivities. We say to those: get over it. And yes, we're more than tolerated because the wise know the world has gone soft, and the forum elders know just how much we've put into making this forum what it is (and continue to do).

The unwise, those who choose to voice exception, have invariably not contributed an ounce. If they wind us up enough they get "ignore" status, which then means we don't see their questions and won't help when they need it. One such ignored registered a new account thinking we wouldn't notice.

We help people get the most out of their units, and many long-term and very satisfied users of the CF wouldn't know one end of a command prompt from another – all they've done is decide they would like what is on offer, and had the courage to follow instructions, even if blindly. It's all written up, they just did what it said step by step. All it requires is a willingness to try. Thousands of hours work has been contributed for free, it's only fair those who want to benefit from it put in a little effort in return. We have done the work, we do not need to be tolerant of ungrateful freeloaders – especially not those who heckle from the sidelines.

It is a fundamental error to come on here saying you want to do something but you don't want to follow the steps necessary to do it. And that's you. We are not stopping you swapping your hard drive, it's your kit and you can do what you like. All the information is available to help you do that. If you choose to use an inappropriate HDD, that's your choice too. What we are saying is that without conducting some diagnostics beforehand, you have no idea whether you are wasting your time and money. Again, your choice. Don't come crying if it all goes wrong.

Yes we do understand people not being techie, and not wanting to get involved in anything techie. But anyone not wanting to get involved with techie things would not have even asked the question.
prpr has his outbursts of exasperation, and so do I. We're prepared to be plain spoken when the rest of the world seems to think everything should revolve around them and their sensitivities. We say to those: get over it. And yes, we're more than tolerated because the wise know the world has gone soft, and the forum elders know just how much we've put into making this forum what it is (and continue to do).
Well. That sounds so nice and reasonable. Except that it's not true. I could find you example after example.

Just one for now

Have a look at the nice endearing manner of prpr in post #5 in a totally unprovoked attack.

More personal abuse from you I see sine24. You're so dumb you couldn't even wait a day between changing your username.

If you all want to get on with it that's fine with me. I'll leave it to you and the Foxtrot204 and the Trog leaches.
Don't drag me into your world of butthurt you petty little man.
@BH "prpr has his outbursts of exasperation, and so do I." The difference is you don't have a hissy fit followed by holding a grudge for life when someone takes exception to your behavior.