HDR-FOX T2 to HDHomeRun, my journey

Looking at the logs its just issues with connecting to the tuner now. It either doesn't respond with any data or the data is corrupted. Maybe a signal problem or aerial problem? Do you have the HDHomeRun app? Can you view live programs with it? When you are watching something or recording something you can view the tuner status at http://hdhomerun/tuners.html by selecting the in use tuner and it will tell you about the signal quality. Is the computer you are using connected via a wired Ethernet connection?

Not sure there is much more I can help with if the tuner isn't responding with valid data.
Thanks. Yes it does look like the crashes are being caused by signal quality issues with the HDHomeRun. I'll look into the cabling and see if I can improve things.
It either doesn't respond with any data or the data is corrupted.

Not sure there is much more I can help with if the tuner isn't responding with valid data.
It still shouldn't crash though, regardless of whether the data is valid or not. Are you not checking the CRC on the service info. data, or not validating something else?
It still shouldn't crash though, regardless of whether the data is valid or not. Are you not checking the CRC on the service info. data, or not validating something else?
I quite agree. The problem is in the code that does the tuning, when the software requests another frequency the tuner is reporting an HTTP error code which isn't being handled. That error code means no Video data "at all", so there are no packets. The code just isn't expecting or handling that error, however it will during a recording and will keep trying.

When packets are being received, either during a recording or when scanning for services in the mux (aka tuning), they are all CRC checked.

If time allows soon I will fix the crashing out with some error handling, although it still wouldn't be tuning in any channels or course, just not crashing.
I've been re-reading this tread as I've had to start again as my pc failed and I noticed that lc200 did release a fix for the problem with the Drama Channel and I can confirm that it works

Thank you lc200
Firstly, thank you lc200 for an amazing piece of software. I have been using a Humax HDR-2000T for years and installed DvrOnTime at the start of 2024, to use with my newly purchased HDHomeRun FLEX QUATRO. At first I recorded everything on both the Humax and HDHomeRun/DvrOnTime, to be sure everything worked - it worked perfectly and I transitioned to recording only on with DvrOnTime after about 2 months.

So I've been using DvrOnTime exclusively to record for about 5 month now. About 3 weeks ago, I had a whole evenings of TV fail, not having the Humax also recording anymore, I couldn't really check if it was a fault of the broadcaster or my own setup. I've since had a few more failures and checked out a few things, boosting my signal for example, to ensure its 100%. The logs always mention corrupt packets and it only fails on accurate recording, if I use scheduled recording, I've not seen it fail but of course there's a risk I'll missing the beginning/end of a show or, if I add padding, I need to use more tuners and soon run out.

Tonight, its failed again, once when it was supposed to record the news at 6.35pm (timer setup at 6.20pm) - again the logs says corrupt packets. I'll attach the relevant part of the log, in case it helps diagnose it. I'm concerned the HDHomeRun may have a fault ? I'm not sure, and I'm not sure if the logs would even tell us that. But any help anyone can give, or advice, I'd appreciate.

The log is attached.


  • EventLog.txt
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I've since had a few more failures and checked out a few things, boosting my signal for example, to ensure its 100%.
The problem here is that the signal meter maxes out at "100%", so you have a risk that you're actually at 200% and driving the input into distortion. There are no specifications what 100% means in terms of signal voltage, nor what the headroom is. From experience of other units, reception should be OK anything over "30%" – but you don't want indicated signal strength anything over 99%!
Thanks prpr and Black Hole for the replies. By 100% I mean what HDHomeRun reports from its tuner status, so it used to read 58% Signal Strength, 80% Signal Quality, 100% Symbol Quality. By shortening the very long coax cable it currently reads...

Virtual Channelnone
Frequency562.000 MHz
Program Numbernone
Modulation Lockt8dvbt
Signal Strength100%
Signal Quality100%
Symbol Quality100%
Streaming Rate3.358 Mbps
Resource Lock192.168.1.121
By 100% I mean what HDHomeRun reports from its tuner status
We know. My comments still stand. Quality = 100% indicates you have not driven it to saturation, but you have no idea how close to saturation you are.

100% quality is a meaningful measure, it means zero faults. 100% signal is meaningless unless the calibration is provided and the saturation level is also provided.
Thanks Black Hole. I'm not sure how to provide calibration or saturation levels, unfortunately. The software only tells me those values and I don't have any knowledge or equipment to ascertain more information, other than what I've supplied. Do you think it could only be my signal is too strong? Does the logs tell us something else might be at fault ? I'm not sure how to make my signal worse tbh, it's already piped around the house on a coaxial, so I really don't want to make the signal worse for the rest of the family.
Signal strength cannot be measured in %. Any software that does so is broken by design.

You can buy a few attentuators (say 3dB, 6dB and 10dB) for relatively little money and use them temporarily for testing, daisy-chaining them as required to give combinations up to 19dB, and see what happens to the reported figure and at what point things stop working.
If you're having reception problems you should start with the aerial and work your way down the chain in a systematic way.
Using your HDHomeRun as a portable test device would seem to be sensible as you only need network and power to it and they can be done temporarily as well.
Thanks prpr, I see there is a variable attenuator that goes from 0-20dB reduction, would that work as well ?

I have to say, I'm not having reception problems elsewhere in the house. For example, I've started using my Humax again temporarily, and I've never had a signal issue with it and the program the HDHomeRun failed on, the Humax had recorded properly. They are using the same signal. The signal to the rest of the house also seems good. Could the HDHomeRun be too sensitve and the attenuator would reduce the signal quality for me ? Also, I thought maybe I could feed the output from the Humax into the HDHomeRun to see if that helps ?
A variable attenuator would work, but I don't believe they are calibrated, except by your eye on the position of the control, so repeatabillity is 'tricky'.
It would work for simple tests, but not "as well" in my opinion.
I can't comment on any of the rest as I haven't got an HDHomeRun and you haven't provided any figures from your HDR2000 (not that I've got one of those either).
Daisy-chaining devices is never a great idea as it introduces more variables and unpredictability.
"Systematic", as I said before. Anything else is just guesswork.
Thanks prpr, I will order the attenuators to daisy chain them.

Its difficult to think that any testing can be systematic when the HDHomeRun/DvrOnTime combination records 99% of programmes perfectly, and even on the night that 1 programme failed, it was recording other channels, and they did not fail.
I'm not sure how to provide calibration or saturation levels, unfortunately.
The point is that the manufacturers don't, probably because they don't know either (just using bought-in subassemblies and reference designs). I speculate that the "strength" figure is simply the voltage to the AGC circuit, and 100% is when it's maxed out.

Be advised signal conditions can vary widely throughout a UHF signal distribution chain, particularly if not properly impedance matched, due to reflections and the resulting constructive/destructive interference. These will be different at different frequencies.

But I think this is getting out of hand. To me, "corrupt packet" refers to something happening on your network, not the broadcast reception. Nobody in this conversation (so far) knows much about it.
But I think this is getting out of hand. To me, "corrupt packet" refers to something happening on your network, not the broadcast reception. Nobody in this conversation (so far) knows much about it.
We really need @lc200 to confirm. But I also think this is probably a network issue and not reception related.

@stunts Welcome to the forum. How is your Quatro connected to your network?
Thanks sceptic, my Quatro is connected to a D-Link DGS-108/B 8-Port Gigabit Unmanaged Switch. I think the cable is Cat5. There is then another cable going to a NUC mini PC, which handles the recordings, onto an SSD.
Thanks sceptic, my Quatro is connected to a D-Link DGS-108/B 8-Port Gigabit Unmanaged Switch. I think the cable is Cat5. There is then another cable going to a NUC mini PC, which handles the recordings, onto an SSD.
I can remember having this issue previously, for a couple of examples see HERE and HERE It's annoying as subsequent recordings when using accurate recording also fail. I am also using wired connections like you. I have not discovered the actual cause yet as the issue resolves itself after a day or so, so it's quite tricky to troubleshoot unfortunately....
I can remember having this issue previously, for a couple of examples see HERE and HERE It's annoying as subsequent recordings when using accurate recording also fail. I am also using wired connections like you. I have not discovered the actual cause yet as the issue resolves itself after a day or so, so it's quite tricky to troubleshoot unfortunately....
That looks exactly it, sceptic! I had 2 more failures tonight, it was recording the BBC 1 news at 6, but failed to record the local news straight after it with corrupt packets. It then also failed to record Ghosts US. Whilst the local news was on the same channel, Ghosts US was on BBC THREE, which is of course the same mux. I have the logs if required. One noticable thing is it mentions corrupt packets happening when setting up the recording, however the previous programme that is being recorded at the same time is not corrupt, it plays fine.
I've spotted something suspicious in the logs. I'm getting corrupt packet every 4 hours, so midnight, 4am, 8am, etc - I've attached the log. I also have the EPG set to update every 4 hours (I've now switched that to twice a day instead) which is more than a coincidence. The frequency used to get the EPG is the BBC mux.

I had another failed recording today, except this time it failed for the first 23 minutes trying to record Bargain Hunt at 12.15. In the logs it says... "
24/07/2024 12:38:01 Warning ScheduledEventProgramId 7036: Watchdog timer indicates no packets being received, will try to restart the tuner for Bargain Hunt on service 4161
24/07/2024 12:38:01 Information Tuner 1: Stop streaming request received
24/07/2024 12:38:01 Information Streaming stopped on device 1260B538 tuner 1!"

and then... "
24/07/2024 12:38:04 Information ScheduledEventProgramId 7036: Listening for EIT on BBC ONE West for program start until 24/07/2024 16:23, using device 1260B538 and tuner number 0
24/07/2024 12:38:04 Debug HdHomeRun output for command: 1260B538 key 7595218.0 set /tuner0/filter "0x64" is Null
24/07/2024 12:38:04 Information Found the PMT for the program, setting tuner to filter on PIDs 0x00 0x65 0x66 0x6A 0x69 0x1C21 0x1C33 0x1BBF 0x1BC1 0x12
24/07/2024 12:38:04 Debug HdHomeRun command executed: 1260B538 key 7595218.0 set /tuner0/filter "0x00 0x65 0x66 0x6A 0x69 0x1C21 0x1C33 0x1BBF 0x1BC1 0x12"
24/07/2024 12:38:04 Debug HdHomeRun output for command: 1260B538 key 7595218.0 set /tuner0/filter "0x00 0x65 0x66 0x6A 0x69 0x1C21 0x1C33 0x1BBF 0x1BC1 0x12" is Null
24/07/2024 12:38:04 Information Now set single stream PAT and PMT packet to the recorder for program
24/07/2024 12:38:06 Information ScheduledEventProgramId 7036: On BBC ONE West current EIT CRID being broadcast is: /m/14GRY
24/07/2024 12:38:06 Information ScheduledEventProgramId 7036: Program Bargain Hunt /m/14GRY on BBC ONE West has started recording"

So it switched tuners from 1 to 0 and recording then worked perfectly. I wonder if 1 was already occupied with receiving the EPG data.

I just tried recording on all 4 tuners at the same time, all seem to record fine.


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