Got into bit of a pickle. Been away for a few days and noticed new version out etc. and intending to upgrade.
Any suggestions or pointers to a page I have missed please!
- From the web-if let it upgraded all packages. Set few params like for the redring app. and tidied up some duplicates, deleted few progs etc. and all seemed OK
- Overnight box rebooted and stuck on default channel Cbeebies... with no response remote or front panel. No web-if response.
- Upgraded to new beta firmware to get TV working, and all Ok but no mods of course
- So put on new mod software. Still all OK but no web-if.
- Can telnet to the box and had a poke around in the init.d scripts etc. but can't see what it is supposed to be loading, or a page here with best solution, aside from perhaps doing
Any suggestions or pointers to a page I have missed please!