Hummy Arms Word Game v4.0

That's a matter of opinion. "Today", "to-day", and "to day" have all been standard spelling at one time or another, and therefore remain valid.
I didn't spot that, but I don't think a gentleman's challenge under the new rule should be subject to points claiming.

OK, let's have an intermission before v5.0. I'll have a think what new and even more torturous scheme I can devise (if nobody else comes up with something in the mean time). The points were fun but they were a disincentive to new players - maybe we should have a mechanism where newcomers get awarded the current average score, I'll need to think about that one!

I don't follow what your challenge is about. The previous post was based on a challenge that resulted in me having -23. So I posted a valid entry making it -20. My last post as i understand it is a valid word as well, making me -17.