iPlayer Radio

Thank you very much dinkypumpkin, I'll try it out when I get home although I can experiment here as long as I get on with my tasks. There are plenty of other people who can experiment here in the meantime e.g. Ezra. I also tried to generate an m4v file which the Humax plays as MP4 but I didn't manage that but processing was long does that sound about right. I might come back with more questions.
OK now had a look at... rubbing the magic lantern to get the spirit of the get_iplayer back again.

I don't think presets are supported in the web based front end to get_iplayer. I set up via the get iplayer pearl box the command

get_iplayer --add-prefs --whitespace --command="copy \""<filename>"\" \""<dir>\<fileprefix>.mp3"\""

which produces a copy of the m4a file with the MP3 extension keeping both copies which is handy if you are using another media player that can't be fooled that an MP3 file contains an m4a file... then one can delete latter the unwanted files. Note as dinky told me you can use MOVE instead of COPY if you don't want this flexibility.

The statement below shows the current settings

get_iplayer --prefs-show

& the statement below clears all settings

get_iplayer --prefs-clear

The old one I was using which creates MP3 is

get_iplayer --add-prefs --aactomp3 --mp3vbr 1 --whitespace

The advantage of retaining AAC for the national channels is that you get BBC R3 in HD audio which plays through the Humax.


320k AAC R3 only (you won't get this through the Freeview channels as recordings but you will via the Humax iPlayer portal)

As far as regional and local stations in MP3 these just trip through if one is using the Windows front end through the command that dinkypinky gave me so no problem here although better if prefixes were supported in the web interface for get_iplayer. The advantage of get_iplayer is access to regional and local programming which isn't in the Humax BBC iplayer plus the ability to set up "series record". As long as the PC or device comes on once a week it will do the download.
Be aware that you have configured get_iplayer to copy every download - video included - to a .mp3 file. That is what presets are for, to segregate options for different scenarios. And no, the Web PVR doesn't support presets, or --command, or --aactomp3. The Web PVR was made for casual users with basic requirements. These more esoteric functions must be undertaken with the CLI. However, you can set up your PVR jobs in the Web PVR and then run them from the CLI with a preset applied.
Thank you Dinkypumpkin. This scenario should not apply to me since I only use get iplayer for audio mostly for Radio Scotland and BBC R3 (former not available in England via the Humax, the latter thematic music for Sunday entertainment). The fun of command lines, I've tried to leave them alone after the George 3 operating system of the 70s where I was a bit of an expert. The web PVR front end is what Windows front end was to SPSS as a package where a lot of those 70s / 80s tools were 60s packages that got front ends. Get iPlayer seems a bit of a fun throw back in design terms but probably more to do with the multi platform nature of systems its supported on which gives it a retro feel. Crosstab was the last package I wrote in Fortran and it didn't play music.

Ok I recall seeing a command which could be used to action only the copy / renaming by type of programme. I'm on weekday tasks now but if time I'll test and edit so a trap is not set for those that use get iPlayer for video.