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Media mistakes

I don't understand how the error can be subjective when I have presented objective evidence. I have cited examples of so-called "2 star" and "3 star" Kurosu, where the 3 star version requires less demanding inference than the 2 star.
Obs it isn't. Since when were you so keen on keeping conversations strictly on title - especially in the 'Arms?
I don't understand how the error can be subjective when I have presented objective evidence. I have cited examples of so-called "2 star" and "3 star" Kurosu, where the 3 star version requires less demanding inference than the 2 star.
What is easier to one may be harder to another. We often try to impose a linear order on things when there is none. Take Left-Right as an example. Are apples better than oranges? Is cricket easier than chess? Which is better, the Hummy Arms or Freeview?
For your deLorean?

Put it in the talk converter.
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It's so easy I'd call it ●︎︎○︎○︎○︎○︎
I'm saving that for when you don't even need inference, just the ability to count. And in case anybody is wondering, the dots are supposed to be black holes (or the absence of one).

What is easier to one may be harder to another.
I have deliberately calibrated the level of reasoning required. Kurosu have become more interesting now I have to restrain myself from using higher-order inferences until I have exhausted the lower-order ones.
One thing that puts me off sudoku is all that boring counting.
Counting? I don't think I've ever considered counting as a strategy for solving Sudoku - perhaps that's where I've been going wrong :p
Unless you have twigged that the sum of the numbers (counting?) in every row and column and all 9 sub squares is 45 then that's where you are going wrong.
Unless you have twigged that the sum of the numbers (counting?) in every row and column and all 9 sub squares is 45 then that's where you are going wrong.
That doesn't help, unless that is your only way to spot that if the sum of 8 numbers is (say) 40 the missing digit must be 5.

The digits in a Sudoku are only symbols, they could be replaced with any set of nine symbols you like and it wouldn't change the puzzle or the methods to solve it. The only criterion is that columns, rows, and 3x3 sub-squares must contain each symbol only once, so you only have to count up to one.
OK have it your way (wrong)!
OK, the symbols could be changed to make it harder.
But your example above is EXACTLY how it helps. Perhaps ignoring that is why you have difficulty. :duel:
Try it on a real one as I can't be assed to elaborate without an example.
You mean you can't look at the set (say) 37219856 and immediately spot the missing digit? :dunno:

Adding them up is the hard way! If there are two missing digits, adding up the remainder gives you no information at all (except in very specific circumstances). Try a Killer Sudoko - adding up is essential for that.
But those 'very special circumstances' are always present in all the numeric ones KS that I have come across. In fact you can usually fill in 4 to 7 squares immediately by using it without too much thought.

Same rule of 45 rules.