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Moved HDD to different HDR Fox T2 but recordings won't play

I've just transplanted a 2TB HDD from a failing HDR-Fox T2 to another HDR-Fox T2 but the new box won't play any of the recordings - I get a message saying that the signal is scrambled. Is this HDCP protection, and is there any way I can make the old recordings viewable on the new box?
No it's not HDCP.
Decrypt them (in software) with the key from the old unit, or change the new unit's key to match the old one's.
Or put the disk back in the old one and decrypt them there first.
Failing how anyway?
Settings, Advanced Settings on the WebIf. It's the 12 characters of the MAC address, then the first 10 characters of the serial number (with each digit of the serial number having a 3 prepended).
I'm sure you can work the forum search as well as I can.
I've just transplanted a 2TB HDD from a failing HDR-Fox T2 to another HDR-Fox T2 but the new box won't play any of the recordings - I get a message saying that the signal is scrambled. Is this HDCP protection, and is there any way I can make the old recordings viewable on the new box?

Things Every... (click) section 5

Quick Guide to Disk Recovery (click)

I am staggered there are long-term members of this forum who still don't understand about encrypted recordings.
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Thanks for that - I'm amazed that I can simply copy and paste and encryption key from another machine - brilliant.
Unfortunately I'm an infrequent visitor to the forum - I'm really only here when I get a problem with the box that I can't figure out, so it's usually months (or sometimes years) between visits, during which time I'll have forgotten alot of what I'd learnt in the past. Age is a terrible thing ;0)
Don't forget to decrypt all recordings made on the new machine before changing the encryption key so that they don't become unplayable
Thanks for that - I'm amazed that I can simply copy and paste and encryption key from another machine - brilliant.
It still amazes me too :) It was years in the making.

I usually recommend setting the encryption key everywhere to 33333333333333333333333333333333 as it resolves entirely to printable characters, as 33 (in hex) happens to be the ASCII code for the numeral 3. That's what it is on all of my boxes anyway.

In particular, if you set the crypto key to a repeating pattern like this on a Humax HD, then decryption will be much faster.
Good tip thanks.
Does anyone know how to cancel a recursive auto-decrypt? I'd kicked this off before I discovered the encryption key solution, and it's still running on the new box after 2 days!
Does anyone know how to cancel a recursive auto-decrypt?
Remove the Recursive flag from the folder, then go to Queue, select all (button at bottom), then Delete, (or Hold and release when you have sorted out keys)
It wont delete any that are currently Running
Ah OK I didn't realise that the Recursive Auto-Decrypt option was a toggle, rather than a 1-way switch.
Is there a way of restricting auto-decryption to specified hours (e.g. having it running only between midnight and 9am)?
Is there a way of restricting auto-decryption to specified hours (e.g. having it running only between midnight and 9am)?
See the Auto-Processing settings on the Settings page
Also set "Create backup files in dustbin for decrypt and shrink? " to NO when processing a large number of files overnight to avoid any space problems.
I have one more question....I have set recursive auto-decrypt on the root folder, as I want all recordings - including new series - to be decrypted, but want to exclude a small handful of the subfolders. Is it possible to do this?
I can see that recursive auto-decrypt and enable auto-decrypt are options at folder level, but I don't know how the setting of these interacts with a recursive setting at the level above.
Did the new recordings go straight into the folder or did you move them later ? If the latter then it is too late - the recordings would have been decrypted.
There's definitely a check (::auto::specialdir) to skip items prefixed with [ in the scan that adds items to the auto-processing queue.

To understand what's happening you'd have to look at the auto-processing log /mod/tmp/auto.log.

In case anyone would like to simplify the code, the same check is independently made in the sweeper plugin's auto.hook.
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