Okay, well I think I've found a reason: network-shares-automount. I don't understand it, because the shares are not mounted in media/drive1 (they are mounted in media), but removing network-shares-automount restored the proper stats, and reinstating it recreated the reporting problem. Maybe this is a bug in the HD-FOX firmware?
In the process, I tried removing flatview to no effect, and also discovered I had foxlink installed (which I don't need and had forgotten all about - but explains a mystery share!).
folder=My Video
or folder=media
, folder=My Video_[FILMS]
(given that there is a folder in My Video called "[FILMS]") doesn't work. Also, how is it that folder=My Video
isn't folder=media_My Video
(which doesn't work)?humax# killall scanmounts
humax# /mod/sbin/scanmounts
"media/" is automatically prepended.Also, how is it thatfolder=My Video
isn'tfolder=media_My Video
(which doesn't work)?
Presumably only if folder≠media"media/" is automatically prepended.
gets you a listing containing My Video, My Music, My Photo (and any USB drives). If "media" were prefixed with "media/", that would be "media/media" - which doesn't exist.folder=media
and folder=My Video
work as they stand.It might be something like that. I recall getting confused with the initial setting up and couldn't find documentation on what it actually expected. So I gave up guessing and made sure I knew the full share directory location. It also helps the next time I create a new share as it looks obvious (to me.)Presumably only if folder≠media
Are you using an unusual build?Try running it manually and see what it outputs:
Code:humax# kill scanmounts humax# /mod/sbin/scanmounts
HDFOX3# kill scanmounts
sh: invalid number 'scanmounts'
That should have beenAre you using an unusual build?
Code:HDFOX3# kill scanmounts sh: invalid number 'scanmounts'
pkill scanmounts
to kill by name rather than numberOh, great. So what was the command supposed to achieve? Whatever, it isn't doing it.I don't use it at all. Just going from memory.
kill %1; fg
shows what's running. The form %job-id identifies a process by its job-id for the kill command. If you have no other background jobs, kill %1
kills the job you just stopped, then fg
brings it back to the foreground as a terminated process. Or instead of killing it, you can, after perhaps running some other commands, use bg
to let the program resume as a background job.