I've been having problems with my Humax lately, no access to the Webif and unable to playback some recordings. Having read many useful threads here, I've tried allsorts to resolve the problem without success so resosrted to a clean install of the CF 3.13. However I'm still not getting access to the Webif with the browser just giving me the 500 error or partial loading of the grey bar at the top of the page.
Since loading the CF i've tried the following:-
1. fixdisk - took an age to run and found a couple of block errors
2. fixdisk - finished return code 0
3. fixweb
Then I tried the following:-
This gave a Segmentation fault error on --force-reinstall openssl_1.1.1.d-1_mipsel.opk
Not sure where to go next, guidance greatly appreciated. Thanks
Since loading the CF i've tried the following:-
1. fixdisk - took an age to run and found a couple of block errors
2. fixdisk - finished return code 0
3. fixweb
Please select option: fixweb
Removing package webif from root...
Installing webif (1.5.3) to root...
Downloading http://hpkg.tv/hdrfoxt2/base/webif_1.5.3_mipsel.opk.
Upgrading epg on root from 1.2.9 to 1.3.0...
Downloading http://hpkg.tv/hdrfoxt2/base/epg_1.3.0_mipsel.opk.
Upgrading hmt on root from 2.0.11 to 2.0.12...
Downloading http://hpkg.tv/hdrfoxt2/base/hmt_2.0.12_mipsel.opk.
Configuring epg.
Configuring hmt.
Configuring webif.
/mod/bin/jimsh: can't load library 'libcrypto.so.1.1'
/mod/bin/jimsh: can't load library 'libcrypto.so.1.1'
Then I tried the following:-
cd /tmp
/bin/wget -U "" http://hpkg.tv/hdrfoxt2/base/openssl_1.1.1.d-1_mipsel.opk
opkg install --force-reinstall openssl_1.1.1.d-1_mipsel.opk
opkg update
opkg install --force-reinstall webif jim
opkg upgrade
This gave a Segmentation fault error on --force-reinstall openssl_1.1.1.d-1_mipsel.opk
Not sure where to go next, guidance greatly appreciated. Thanks