I have NTFS custom firmware installed and no problem using an HDD of 1 TB or less.
However when I tried using a 2TB HDD formatted NTFS the Hummy responded with "CRASH" when the driev was connected to the USB port and refused to boot with the 2TB drive attached.
The drive I am using "WD WD20EARS 2TB Caviar Green with its own PSU.
Is there a limit to the size of HDD one can attach to the Hummy's USB port?
I could try dividing the drive into 2 partitions each about 900GB.
The drive was windows formatted NTFS default.
I need to set this up so that I can remove everything from the Hummy as it has a problem with periodic picture freezing and pixilation. This occurs both when watching live via the Hummy and previously recorded items. This does not occur when programmes are viewed directly on the TV rather than via the Hummy.
Any comments on either matter would be helpful.
Thank you
However when I tried using a 2TB HDD formatted NTFS the Hummy responded with "CRASH" when the driev was connected to the USB port and refused to boot with the 2TB drive attached.
The drive I am using "WD WD20EARS 2TB Caviar Green with its own PSU.
Is there a limit to the size of HDD one can attach to the Hummy's USB port?
I could try dividing the drive into 2 partitions each about 900GB.
The drive was windows formatted NTFS default.
I need to set this up so that I can remove everything from the Hummy as it has a problem with periodic picture freezing and pixilation. This occurs both when watching live via the Hummy and previously recorded items. This does not occur when programmes are viewed directly on the TV rather than via the Hummy.
Any comments on either matter would be helpful.
Thank you