Why does the buffer disappear once a channel has gone off air? There was an item on Ideal World I wanted to save but it goes off air at midnight and although it was only 3 minutes past when I tried to rewind it the buffer had disappeared.
My 6 year old Hummy 9200T has finally gone the distance and I've just had the HDR-Fox T2 less than a week but I'm sure the Hummy would still record the buffer in this situation. Am I right? Is this normal operation for the HDR Fox T2 or a fault?
My 6 year old Hummy 9200T has finally gone the distance and I've just had the HDR-Fox T2 less than a week but I'm sure the Hummy would still record the buffer in this situation. Am I right? Is this normal operation for the HDR Fox T2 or a fault?