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Picture breaks up on recordings while Auto Decrypt is running

Sounds like you don't need to force reinstall Web-If, but if you did I think you have to type it in lower case without the hyphen: sorry the function is case sensitive (and requires the correct spelling, of course) and I didn't think about that when I posted. If you need to do a force reinstall for any package, check the list of installed packages (Web-If>Package Management) and type the name exactly as presented in the list.

Thanks. Any ideas why both pvrs had the issue ?
Thanks. Any ideas why both pvrs had the issue ?
Not sure, presumably a corrupted entry in the database? If you haven't cleared out your auto.log files you could look and find the first failed decrypted recording in each log and see what was recorded. Also look for the last recording that decrypted automatically. Can you identify a common channel or programme?
Not sure, presumably a corrupted entry in the database? If you haven't cleared out your auto.log files you could look and find the first failed decrypted recording in each log and see what was recorded. Also look for the last recording that decrypted automatically. Can you identify a common channel or programme?

Thanks but the log file on each machine was so long I ditched them to start again.