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Playing the .TS files directly from the Humax via a PC


New Member
I used to use Windows Media Portal and could simply point my PC to the share where the .TS streams were and play them. I understand the Humax .TS files are encrypted and there are ways of manually moving them and decrypting (?) but is it not possible to play the .TS files directly from the Humax from another machine on the network without any manual intervention?

All recordings on the Humax are encrypted, however they can be decrypted by copying them to a USB or virtual drive (notes HERE), also when a file is streamed over a DLNA / UPnP link from the Humax to a DLNA client, Hi-Def files have a further security feature which effectively means that only Humax to Humax streaming works for these files
If you set up the webif to decrypt all files in place shortly after they are created then you can stream any Humax content across the network. I regularly stream both SD and HD to my iPad.
I used to use Windows Media Portal and could simply point my PC to the share where the .TS streams were and play them. I understand the Humax .TS files are encrypted and there are ways of manually moving them and decrypting (?) but is it not possible to play the .TS files directly from the Humax from another machine on the network without any manual intervention?
Follow the link from Things Every... (click) section 5.
If you set up the webif to decrypt all files in place shortly after they are created then you can stream any Humax content across the network. I regularly stream both SD and HD to my iPad.

I use XBMC on my Nexus 7, what do I need to do on an iPad to keep SWMBO even happier?
Your mileage may vary in terms of getting HD content from the Humax to play on the iPad, although SD is always fine. When I used both an original iPad and also an iPad3, it resulted in badly stuttering playback, since I think they struggled for horsepower in terms of decoding. I now have an iPad Air which is fine. iPad4 may also work, but I've never tried one.

VLC works fine, and is great as a free app although a bit basic. If you want something a bit more sophisticated and customisable then I'd recommend nPlayer for £2.99. This includes extra swipe gestures (volume control etc.) as well as stuff like remembering playback positions when restarting.
For testing I use a cheap Scroll Basic Plus 7" tablet. Cost me less than £60 (GBP) inc VAT
It plays HD perfectly happily with oomph left over.
I have noticed the playback software sometimes cant cope with specific programs
(different episodes of the same program on the same channel even) I can't work out why
FYI I use bubbleUpnP with built in video player (I tried MX player but that was not very good)
If you need something sophisticated why not buy a TV set?
Interesting that cheap (Android?) tablets work better than earlier iOS devices. Before having an iPad Air, the best playback I'd managed was on SWMBO's iPhone 5. This was still a little bit stuttery, but better than the iPad3 had been, leading me to believe that progressively more powerful iDevices were handling non-native (i.e. not mp4 or m4v) HD better.
All recordings on the Humax are encrypted, however they can be decrypted by copying them to a USB or virtual drive (notes HERE), also when a file is streamed over a DLNA / UPnP link from the Humax to a DLNA client, Hi-Def files have a further security feature which effectively means that only Humax to Humax streaming works for these files

I can stream encrypted HD files from my HDR Fox T2 to my PC using VLC media player.
I can stream encrypted HD files from my HDR Fox T2 to my PC using VLC media player.
Yes, as long as you have the auto-unprotect package running (which removes the restriction preventing the recording being decrypted in the process of streaming, unless to a HDCP-compliant media player such as another HD- or HDR-FOX). I will need convincing if you claim to stream HiDef recordings to VLC without any custom firmware.
rpb424 in your posts you write "If you set up the webif to decrypt all files in place shortly after they are created then you can stream any Humax content across the network." and later "VLC works fine". My problem is that the VLC player window displays black and if I click that I get a "location not found" error message. Is this a result of files not being decrypted? Any help gratefully received.
I was leaving it for somebody with relevant expertise to reply...

Using the "play" or "download" options in the WebIF does not require pre-decryption. If the original recordings are StDef, no prior action is necessary at all, but if they are HiDef then auto-unprotect is required - and I do not know what the symptoms would be if it has not run.

Perhaps you can enlighten us what the source material is that is causing this black playback - in particular what icons are shown in the WebIF media browser against the relevant listing.
You did not state which browser you were using when attempting to play a recording via the VLC plugin.
Firstly, we have to assume that you do have VLC installed on your PC and that also you did choose to install the optional ActiveX plugin ( for I.E. and Chrome) and/or the Mozilla plugin (for Firefox) when you installed VLC.
Secondly, there is a known bug with the ActiveX plugin that was introduced in VLC versions 2.0.6 and above which prevented Internet Explorer from playing video using the plugin. This should be fixed in the future 2.2.0 release of VLC.
If you are using Internet Explorer then I suggest you try a different browser to see if that works.
Yes, as long as you have the auto-unprotect package running (which removes the restriction preventing the recording being decrypted in the process of streaming, unless to a HDCP-compliant media player such as another HD- or HDR-FOX). I will need convincing if you claim to stream HiDef recordings to VLC without any custom firmware.

You are right I do have auto-unprotect running. All my files will stream whether or not they show the Dec flag in webif.
rpb424 in your posts you write "If you set up the webif to decrypt all files in place shortly after they are created then you can stream any Humax content across the network." and later "VLC works fine". My problem is that the VLC player window displays black and if I click that I get a "location not found" error message. Is this a result of files not being decrypted? Any help gratefully received.

I'm talking specifically about iPad access to the Humax using the iOS VLC app, not a web browser VLC plugin. If you are connecting to the Humax via a method other than DLNA (also known as uPnP) than that is what you'll get if the content is not decrypted. DLNA access decrypts on the fly as it is streamed.
I use Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS 32bit with Firefox 28 and Windows7 64bit with IE11 on separate PCs. I get the same result on both systems. Both systems have VLC installed. Not sure if they both have the VLC add-on too. The recorded BBC 2 programmes I am trying to watch with VLC using the WI are all Standard Def. and are also marked with the "indexed by DLNA server" icon. When I double click the links in the WI a dialogue box opens like this - - -

Title Newsnight
Synopsis News stories with Jeremy Paxman. Including revolts in Ukraine, 20 years since Rwanda, the death of Peaches Geldof and can scientists find dark matter? Also in HD. Followed by weather.
Guidance Contains some strong language and disturbing scenes.
Channel 2 - BBC TWO
Start Time Mon Apr 7 22:32:33 2014 BST (Scheduled: Mon Apr 7 22:30:00 2014 BST)
End Time Mon Apr 7 23:23:11 2014 BST (Scheduled: Mon Apr 7 23:20:00 2014 BST)
Duration 50 minute(s). (Scheduled: 50)
Size 1.34 GiB
Files 4 files in set.
  • Newsnight_20140407_2232.ts (1.34 GiB)
  • Newsnight_20140407_2232.nts (2.32 MiB)
  • Newsnight_20140407_2232.hmt (13.56 KiB)
  • Newsnight_20140407_2232.thm (42.66 KiB)
Guidance ODEncrypted

I notice DLNA doesn't look much like the web address for the WI which is Does this help?
LOL! Maybe you should have wrapped that screen grab inside [plain]...[/plain] tags!

The DLNA IP address does indeed look odd. A quick sample of the same thing on my machines look OK.