Since I've changed my ISP to Plusnet, and used their Technicolor modem/router, I am unable to access the Humax portal. Its OK if I revert to the Netgear kit, so its an issue with the router. I've added a DMZ exception for the T2 and disabled the firewall, all to no avail. The response from Plusnet is not helpful.
Anyone else come accross this? Its not the end of the world if I have to use the Netgear, but its a bit of a challenge, and I'd just like know if anyone else has his dealt with this issue.
I am sorry you are having issues with the Technicolor router allowing the PVR access, In order to resolve the issue on the router you may need to setup port forwarding.
Unfortunately we cannot provide support for port forwarding and the PVR, you can get information regarding this and also assistance from Humax here
Anyone else come accross this? Its not the end of the world if I have to use the Netgear, but its a bit of a challenge, and I'd just like know if anyone else has his dealt with this issue.