I don't know if I've found a bug in the new 1.03.12 release or whether it's something that only affects my HDR.
I've had the box for over 3 years and it has never, ever crashed. I was running 1.02.32 (not custom) firmware until a few weeks ago when the OTA update (that was pulled) 'upgraded' it. I immediately noticed the slow EPG, and after a couple of days it was driving me crazy so I put it back to 1.02.32.
I know many people don't find the slow EPG is a big problem, but I use the box as the main tuner for the TV so the EPG is in use a lot more than if it was only used for recording programmes. I chose the Humax originally because it had the best EPG I could find, and I don't see why anything should be made worse by an update to the firmware unless it was the only way to improve some other features. I don't use the portal much so I'm happy to run on the older firmware. (BTW, clearing out the dead scheduled recordings made no difference to the EPG speed).
So, all was fine until the OTA update last week. I decided to put up with the slow EPG until the current OTA updates are finished next week, then put it back to 'normal' after that.
Then, last week while using the EPG to 'channel surf', the box crashed and rebooted. I put it down to a freak event since the HDR had been on for several hours before with no problems and continued for several hours after with no problems as well. However, the next day it crashed again while using the EPG. I tried to remember the exact button sequence, and with a bit of trial and error I found I could get it to crash every time. I tried a power down with the switch on the back, and again got it to crash three more times in a row using the same key presses. At that point I put the firmware back to 1.02.32, tried again and couldn't get it to crash at all. It has not been connected to network for about three weeks as I had to use the network adapter for something else for a while, so no DLNA issues there.
I decided to let it update again on this week's OTA just to prove it was that which caused it, and sure enough it went back to crashing every time I used the magic key sequence. Rolled back to 1.02.32 and it's OK again.
I've set a reminder to stop it updating again, so I am happy now, but I wonder if anyone else has had the same problem?
The key sequence was:
Guide, step to channel 47, OK (guide still displayed), Exit (program now full screen), Program Down to channel 12 (the next channel down on my favourites). I notice that channels 12 and 47 are on different muxes, so that may be relevant.
It either crashes straight away, or after waiting up to 30 seconds, but always crashes.
I didn't try testing any further, as each time it crashes my nerves are on edge waiting to see if it is going to recover!
Maybe the new firmware doesn't like my particular box, or maybe there are other HDRs out there waiting to crash but haven't been subjected to the right key sequence...
I've had the box for over 3 years and it has never, ever crashed. I was running 1.02.32 (not custom) firmware until a few weeks ago when the OTA update (that was pulled) 'upgraded' it. I immediately noticed the slow EPG, and after a couple of days it was driving me crazy so I put it back to 1.02.32.
I know many people don't find the slow EPG is a big problem, but I use the box as the main tuner for the TV so the EPG is in use a lot more than if it was only used for recording programmes. I chose the Humax originally because it had the best EPG I could find, and I don't see why anything should be made worse by an update to the firmware unless it was the only way to improve some other features. I don't use the portal much so I'm happy to run on the older firmware. (BTW, clearing out the dead scheduled recordings made no difference to the EPG speed).
So, all was fine until the OTA update last week. I decided to put up with the slow EPG until the current OTA updates are finished next week, then put it back to 'normal' after that.
Then, last week while using the EPG to 'channel surf', the box crashed and rebooted. I put it down to a freak event since the HDR had been on for several hours before with no problems and continued for several hours after with no problems as well. However, the next day it crashed again while using the EPG. I tried to remember the exact button sequence, and with a bit of trial and error I found I could get it to crash every time. I tried a power down with the switch on the back, and again got it to crash three more times in a row using the same key presses. At that point I put the firmware back to 1.02.32, tried again and couldn't get it to crash at all. It has not been connected to network for about three weeks as I had to use the network adapter for something else for a while, so no DLNA issues there.
I decided to let it update again on this week's OTA just to prove it was that which caused it, and sure enough it went back to crashing every time I used the magic key sequence. Rolled back to 1.02.32 and it's OK again.
I've set a reminder to stop it updating again, so I am happy now, but I wonder if anyone else has had the same problem?
The key sequence was:
Guide, step to channel 47, OK (guide still displayed), Exit (program now full screen), Program Down to channel 12 (the next channel down on my favourites). I notice that channels 12 and 47 are on different muxes, so that may be relevant.
It either crashes straight away, or after waiting up to 30 seconds, but always crashes.
I didn't try testing any further, as each time it crashes my nerves are on edge waiting to see if it is going to recover!
Maybe the new firmware doesn't like my particular box, or maybe there are other HDRs out there waiting to crash but haven't been subjected to the right key sequence...