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Problem installing full web interface

Dave W

I have installed the custom firmware in my Foxsat, and can get as far as the initial page asking to click the yellow button to download the full web interface. When I do this, I get a "not found" message, quoting a URL which is not valid. There is no way of downloading the interface independently and then installing it. Is the interface for Windows or Linux and resides in my PC, or does it get installed in the Foxsat? Is there anything I can do to get a GUI? I haven't tried Telnet from a dos prompt.
I have installed the custom firmware in my Foxsat, and can get as far as the initial page asking to click the yellow button to download the full web interface. When I do this, I get a "not found" message, quoting a URL which is not valid. There is no way of downloading the interface independently and then installing it. Is the interface for Windows or Linux and resides in my PC, or does it get installed in the Foxsat? Is there anything I can do to get a GUI? I haven't tried Telnet from a dos prompt.
The full web interface is downloaded from an online repository and installs to the hard disk of the Foxsat. Do you have your Foxsat connected to the Internet? Try BBC iPlayer on channel 901 to test your connection.
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Another poster with a similar issue resolved it by clearing his browser cache.
Thanks Graham. Had that poster already succeeded in downloading the full web interface first? I know that clearing the browser cache will help display the full web interface by removing the stale basic web interface pages, but not in downloading packages from the repository.
Thanks Graham. Had that poster already succeeded in downloading the full web interface first? I know that clearing the browser cache will help display the full web interface by removing the stale basic web interface pages, but not in downloading packages from the repository.

No he had the same issue (using a browser I have never heard of). He got as far as the successful initial install from USB and got the same not found message when attempting to log in to the box IP address. In his case clearing the browser cache worked the oracle. Presumably there was no issues with installing packages as he never came back with other issues.
I take back what I said about the URL being not valid. My problem seems to be my internet connection. The Humax is not connected to the internet directly. It is connected to a wireless router via Ethernet cable, but the router is not connected to the internet. I connect to the router via wireless from my PC, which is connected to the internet via a wireless link from another router.

I doubt it's possible to make my setup look like the internet to the Humax, but I could download the web interface to my PC if I knew what it was called, and knew a method of getting into the Humax.

I've tried Telnet but can't connect, as the Humax needs the missing web-interface to use it.
I take back what I said about the URL being not valid. My problem seems to be my internet connection.
That'll do the trick.
The Humax is not connected to the internet directly. It is connected to a wireless router via Ethernet cable, but the router is not connected to the internet. I connect to the router via wireless from my PC, which is connected to the internet via a wireless link from another router.
Could you not fine a more complex way of not doing it?
I could download the web interface to my PC if I knew what it was called, and knew a method of getting into the Humax.
I've tried Telnet but can't connect, as the Humax needs the missing web-interface to use it.
I think you should be able to Telnet without the Web-If being installed, so I am wondering if you really have got the Custom Firmware installed, If it is you can download the Web-If package(s) from this link here :-
and install them from a USB stick, there are some notes (For the HDR-Fox T2) on how to install from USB here :-
If should be a similar process for the Foxsat HDR, I would normally suggest installing the 'Bundle' rather than the individual packages, because the bundle includes all dependant packages, however the 'Bundle' links don't seem to work
I connect to the router via wireless from my PC, which is connected to the internet via a wireless link from another router.
This is because the link the PC uses does not extend to the Fox'? There are inexpensive ways of extending the reach of a WiFi signal.
I take back what I said about the URL being not valid. My problem seems to be my internet connection. The Humax is not connected to the internet directly. It is connected to a wireless router via Ethernet cable, but the router is not connected to the internet. I connect to the router via wireless from my PC, which is connected to the internet via a wireless link from another router.
I doubt it's possible to make my setup look like the internet to the Humax, but I could download the web interface to my PC if I knew what it was called, and knew a method of getting into the Humax.

I've tried Telnet but can't connect, as the Humax needs the missing web-interface to use it.

Info you need to download the required software here.

Thanks for all of your input guys.

I think you should be able to Telnet without the Web-If being installed
Sorry Ezra, Telnet needs to be installed on the Foxsat first. It normally installs from the repository along with the full web interface. However, the Telnet package is included along with the Custom firmware .hdf in the rar archive. Also included is a comprehensive readme.txt on how to install both via a USB stick. (But who ever reads the instructions)
so I am wondering if you really have got the Custom Firmware installed
He has, or the basic web interface would not have been available.
If should be a similar process for the Foxsat HDR, I would normally suggest installing the 'Bundle' rather than the individual packages, because the bundle includes all dependant packages, however the 'Bundle' links don't seem to work
That's because there are no bundles on the Foxsat, only packages. The method to manually install the full web interface without an Internet connection is outlined in my post from way back in Sept 2013 on the My Humax forum here. Please note that some packages have been updated since that post was made so the 'opkg install' commands to be entered should reflect the updated package filenames. OP may well wish to download and install the vsftpd package via USB stick first in order to easily transfer the packages onto the Foxsat via FTP.
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Dave W : In case you weren't aware raydon is the author of Custom Firmware for the Foxsat, so he definitely knows what he is talking about
Radon, You say "the Telnet package is included along with the Custom firmware .hdf in the rar archive". It's now a zipfile not an rar, and contains only the hdf firmware. There is a Telnet package on this website, but it's an opk file which Windows doesn't understand.

In your 2013 instructions on MyHumax.org you say "Telnet into the box", but I can't do that as I can't install Telnet into the box. I can Telnet into my router on, but can't Telnet to the box on although I can get its page into my browser.

You mention vsfptd. I can only find source files, and I don't want to try compiling them into an executable. If I managed it, would that do the transference instead of Telnet?

It looks like I'll have to put the Humax's hard drive into a PC and copy the files to it, then put it back.
Radon, You say "the Telnet package is included along with the Custom firmware .hdf in the rar archive". It's now a zipfile not an rar, and contains only the hdf firmware. There is a Telnet package on this website, but it's an opk file which Windows doesn't understand.
The name is raydon, not Radon, and if I say there is a telnet package included in my rar archive then surely you should begin to suspect that you have the wrong file. It's obvious to me that you have acquired an unofficial distribution in a zip archive from an unknown source. A download link to the only official source can be found in the first post of my support thread on AV Forums here. I suggest you download this version (v4.1.3) and reflash your Foxsat with it, then install the included telnet package using the instructions which are also included in the rar. And Windows doesn't need to understand opk files, the Foxsat with custom firmware does. If you read my instructions in the rar archive, which again were missing from your dubious zip source, then you might better understand exactly what it is you are trying to do.
In your 2013 instructions on MyHumax.org you say "Telnet into the box", but I can't do that as I can't install Telnet into the box. I can Telnet into my router on, but can't Telnet to the box on although I can get its page into my browser.
I repeat. Install the telnet package as previously instructed.
You mention vsfptd. I can only find source files, and I don't want to try compiling them into an executable. If I managed it, would that do the transference instead of Telnet?
You must be looking at the wrong page. You should be looking here, and the download link for the FTP package is this one. And are you saying you are not familiar with the use of FTP ?
Dear Raydon,
Sorry I got your name wrong.

My zipfile is named: HDR_FOX_T2_1.03.12_mod_3.10.zip
downloaded from: wiki.hummy dot tv/wiki/Firmware_Downloads.
I thought this was the official source, and assumed you did not know the exact current filename.

Now that you have given me "A download link to the only official source"
I got your file: raydons_Media_and_File_Server_Bundle_for_the_Foxsat_HDR_release_4.1.3 dot rar
It contains the same name, size and date of the file in the zipfile, so I didn't reinstall it.
However I was able to install the Telnet package, and can now Telnet into the box.

I was indeed looking at the wrong site for vsftp, as I hadn't noticed it on the hummy.tv site, and a Google search top of the list said vsftpd.beasts dot org and redirected to security.appspot dot com/vsftpd.html
Yes I am indeed saying I have never knowingly done any ftp-ing, but hopefully I won't need it now that Telnet is working.

Now I went back to myhumax dot org/forum/topic/hdr-pc-connect-without-internet/page/3#post-20612
and downloaded the files in your instructions for installing without a web interface. I put them on a memory stick and tried to install them as I had for the Telnet one. No joy, I still got the same download webpage after alt-F5.

Then I ran Telnet, and after cd /opt/tmp the prompt showed:
and I entered: opkg install busybox_1.18.4-1_mips.opk
but got:
Collected errors:
* wfopen: busybox_1.18.4-1_mips.opk: No such file or directory.
* pkg_init_from_file: Failed to extract control file from busybox_1.18.4-1_mips.opk.

Is there a command to show contents of folders? Maybe the opk files have been renamed, moved or are in the wrong place to be found by the installer?
Although there is some overlap of products, the vast majority of the content in the wiki is for the HDR-Fox T2 / HD-Fox T2 and not for the Foxsat product, note the highlighted text below :-

My zipfile is named: HDR_FOX_T2_1.03.12_mod_3.10.zip
downloaded from: wiki.hummy dot tv/wiki/Firmware_Downloads.
I thought this was the official source, and assumed you did not know the exact current filename.

Now that you have given me "A download link to the only official source"
I got your file: raydons_Media_and_File_Server_Bundle_for_the_Foxsat_HDR_release_4.1.3 dot rar
It contains the same name, size and date of the file in the zipfile, so I didn't reinstall it.
No it doesn't. As EP has made clear above, you are confusing the custom firmware for the HDR-FOX Freeview terrestrial TV receiver/recorder with the custom firmware for the Foxsat-HDR satellite receiver/recorder. If you look closely, you will find that the payload of the zip downloaded via the wiki is named "HDR_FOX_T2_upgrade.hdf", while the payload of Raydon's rar downloaded from Filecloud is named "FOXSAT-HDR_upgrade.hdf" - a distinct difference. Neither are they the same size!

Which do you really want?
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I'm as confused as you guys. It is impossible for him to have flashed a Foxsat HDR with the hdf contained in HDR_FOX_T2_1.03.12_mod_3.10.zip. It is also impossible for him to have installed the telnet package from my Foxsat archive onto an HDR Fox T2.
So if he really has a Foxsat HDR then where did he get the firmware from ?
C'mon Dave W, you're making this really difficult, so help us to help you. You can't have it both ways so which one is it, A Foxsat HDR satellite box, or an HDR Fox T2 terrestrial box ?
And I didn't tell you to put the opk package files on a USB stick. My post specifically states that you copy them to the /opt/tmp folder so that they can be installed in a specific order. Hence the need for FTP (which you can install from a USB stick). Aaargghhhhhhh.
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And you didn't point out that your handle is raydon not Raydon either.:D
C'mon Dave W, you're making this really difficult, so help us to help you. You can't have it both ways so which one is it, A Foxsat HDR satellite box, or an HDR Fox T2 terrestrial box ?
Or neither of the above.:frantic:
I thought this was the official source, and assumed you did not know the exact current filename.
raydon wrote the foxsat CF, so I feel certain he will know exactly what it's called;)